Is the Biden Regime the Most corrupt in U.S. History?
The Biden Regime is so corrupt it would be a stretch to call it a Presidency. Biden hardly campaigned and when he did, he did not have not large enthusiastic crowds. How could someone who did not excite the citizens win an election? That is a question that has been asked many times since the last Presidential Election. Can we now admit that it was a brilliant idea to come up with mail in ballots that could not be verified and ballot harvesting with no safeguards. Dishonest people can also have brilliant ideas.
The Democrats knew that people would question the election outcome so they worked for cooperation from leftist news people who agreed to castigate anyone who questioned the results. They had been working with the leftist news media and social media to suppress any negative opinion about Democrat Candidates and to try to control what information was available to their audiences. Government officials working to suppress free speech is a violation of Federal Law. The Democrats also conspired with news media and social media to hide their dark secrets. Since Elon Musk has taken control of twitter their works of darkness are suddenly being verified. These things implicate the entire Democratic party. They are so corrupt they support Joe Biden as he breaks our laws and tries to destroy our economy. Joe Biden, quite frankly, is a tool of the Chinese Communist Party. We do not know if Joe is a willing tool of the Communists or too senile to know what is happening. Either way he is destroying the United States and helping Communist China. What is the implication of this? There are many foreigners who have no respect for our laws and are invading our country. These people are not vetted and we do not know how many are criminals or terrorists. You can be sure many are cartel operatives sent to set up an illegal drug trade and prostitution to enrich the cartels.
Many people are dying of drug overdoses in our country because of Joe Biden. The Chinese are also benefitting because they sell the drugs to the cartels. Joe Biden belongs in prison but any judge would rule him incompetent mentally to stand trial. Each week Karine Jean-Pierre stands up at the White House news briefing room, looking like an animated cartoon character from a Disney Movie, to defend the indefensible. Her audience is mostly leftist news people. They are enthralled by the nonsense she is parroting like people who are feasting on a delicious dessert after a lousy meal. The few normal people at the briefing suffer torture from her inane and fairy tale approach to reality. The truth is not in that woman. Therefor, no truth can come out.

Joe has been compromised by his family business dealings in China. Remember Hunter’s famous quote to his family, which the FBI is hiding from the public, that he has to share his take with the big guy? Would Joe get tough with the Chinese Communists? What is the old saying? Do not bite the hand that feeds you. Joe has become a wealthy man in government service. How does that happen? In addition to breaking the law Joe is lying to the American People. He claims to know nothing about Hunter’s business dealings in China, while discovered e-mails tell a different story. Not only does Joe lack credibility but his partners in crime, Dr Fauci, the FBI and the Justice Department tell tales that only fools would believe.
Biden has caused runaway inflation because of excessive spending causing hard ship on many working citizens. His partners in crime are attempting to destroy free speech through criminal activity with the news and social media. Biden even attempted a government censure and propaganda board called the Misinformation Board similar to what they have in Communist China.
Good ole Joe took us from being an energy exporter to a nation begging our enemies to sell us gas in less than two years. What can we say about people who support joe Biden? Either they are brain dead or they have government money flowing in from taxes working people pay.
This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith