Is Joe Biden a Modern Karl Marx?

We are indebted to David Limbaugh for a quote from an article he wrote in a view point about the Biden Regime entitled “On a Collision Course With National Disaster”. The quote is as follows: The Administration is creating total societal chaos, and undermining the rule of law at every turn. As the first duty of government is to protect and defend its citizens, we might be alarmed to consider that the administration is engaged in a multi-pronged strategy to do the opposite. It is shrinking our military which defends against foreign threats. It is at war with law enforcement , which ensures domestic tranquility and is destroying our southern borders. It is systemically destroying our liberty and prosperity” Our opinion is the Biden Regime is a snapshot of Marxist Tyranny in action.

How do we stop this Marxist Conspiracy sponsored by the Biden Regime? Under normal situations Biden would be impeached. How ever there is a dilemma. Most Democrats in public office are on board for a Marxist Takeover. Those who have reservations are quickly persuaded to support the takeover. The Democrats currently control the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Presidency. They apparently see support of Marxism as a way to help them retain their power and ability to enrich themselves in office. Ask yourself how Biden became wealthy as a public servant. The Democrats will always choose self interest over protecting the rights of the people.

Should we consider the Democrat Party a domestic terror organization now that they embrace Marxism in their “big tent”? Biden has been accused of enriching himself and his family through his government connections. The federal investigative agencies will not investigate Biden because he controls these agencies and these agencies are not interested in justice but are very interested in keeping their high paying jobs.

Most of the news media were once were a safeguard against government abuses have now become an apologist for Communism and the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. No help will come from them.

What about the courts? Some judges are aligned with the evils of Democrats and Marxists. Others are reluctant to interfere with government operations or feel an adverse ruling , through correct, would be too disruptive.

What about the Republicans? These are the same people who were caught flatfooted when Democrat Voting officials changed rules against state laws to allow illegal voting. They were also unaware when these same individuals made it difficult to verify who was actually voting. Do not expect much opposition from the Republicans. Now the Democrats are pushing to have the central government control the voting process. Isn’t that what is happening in Communist Countries? Only difference is the Democrats have not passed a law yet which would allow them to decide who could run for public office. Only Marxist supporters need apply.

Our options seem to be very limited in getting evil Joe canned. Republicans seem to be putting their hope on winning the house in 2022. If the Democrats manage to get their For the Communists Bill passed they could control the outcome of all future elections. By the time 2022 comes it might be too late. Consider how quickly Chavez suppressed dissent once he was able to get control of the government in Venezuela.

Our freedoms are in grave danger with a Marxist/Democrat Government in power. Brilliant minds are needed to collaborate now on the best means to remove an illegitimate corrupt, incompetent, lying, evil Joe Biden by legal means from office. Then millions of God Fearing Americans can be enlisted to get this necessary work done.

This is a opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.