Is Govenor Northam an Embarrassment to the People of Virginia?

Governor Northam has a history of doing stupid things and is still able to stay in public office. First stupid was the blackface picture in his personal space in his college yearbook mocking Black People. He claimed the picture was not him and he knew nothing about it. Now everyone who believes that story raise your hand. Thanks for not raising your hand. We did not think there would be many fools out there.

Stupid two was when Radicals like Black Lives Matter, Antifa and people who support these evil ones demanded the immediate removal of a magnificent work of art, the Robert E. Lee Statue in Richmond, Va. Governor Northam ever the puppet of the Radical Left immediately made plans to remove it. The Statue and the property on which it sets belongs to the Citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia but the Govenor made no effort to know the desires of the majority of the Citizens of Virginia. Since we are told the majority of the people in Virginai were not born here, it may be that the majority might favor removal. They may have contempt for our history and culture and even for we who are native born. But that is not a given. What kind of leader ignores the people in making decisions to placate Radicals? We call it tyranny or corruption. According to news reports a Richmond Circuit Court Judge ruled an attempt by plaintiffs involving keeping the statue in place is “contary to current public policy”. Is this a legal ruling or a”politically correct” ruling?

Stupid three was when Northam had no plans on what to do with a Statue that has been described as priceless. What knd of incompetence is that? What else would he do if he thought it might get him political support from his base?

Stupid four is when he asked the Superintendent of VMI to resign because some people claimed they felt oppressed because there are Statues of Confererate Military Offficers on campus. Duh! VMI has a long history of training military officers and some of them served in the Confederate Military. If some of their graduates were successful military officers why should they not honor them. People who claim anyone who served in the Confederate Military lived lives not worthy of remembrance are fools. Govenor Northam made no effort to determine if any students of VMI were abused because of their race. We have talked to a lot of VMI graduates who felt they were abused as a “Rat”in their Freshman Year and they are white! Governor Norhtam made no effort to determine if students at VMI are abused because of their race and only listened to his Radical Advisors who have an agenda and asked the Superintendent to resign without any evidence of wrong doing

We encourage all who are offended by Governor Northam’s excesses to wirte hm a letter expressing your displeasure. It is easy. He has a website where your can type with your keyboard on his on line form and send it to him with the click of a button.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. After you write the Governor we invite you to share other Northam stupids. Also share other opinions with us and share this blog with friends.