Is Christmas a Celebration of Materialism?

On December 25th each year we, as a predominent Christian Nation celebrate Christmas. Although December 25 is the date we celebrate the birth of Juesu Christ Historians do not know the actual date he was born.

According to information gleaned from the internet is is estimatd that 31 per cent of the world’s population is Christian. Whether a person considers Jesus Divine or just a great teacher it is difficult to not acknowledge the great impact he made on civilization. Christians believe God created the world and all things in it. They also believe we are born and eventually die but we continue as distinct personalities after death.

It is God’s design that we are happy in this life and in the life to come, He called prophets among us to teach us what rules we need to follow and also to make us worthy to live with him in the next life.

We have a record of these teachings in the Bible. In the Old Testament we have the Ten Commandments and guides for taking care of the poor and our treatment of other people. Surely if those in prison had followed these rules they woul not have expeienced the misery of being locked in a small cell for years.

We have been taught as Christians to live a perfect life, living all God’s Commandments. However God knew that we would fall short of reaching perfection. He sent Jesus to pay for the sins of those who were imperfect but striving to live his commandments. Because of Jesus those of us who are trying to live a God Like life can return to his presence.

The Old Testament prophets all prophised of the coming of a Savior. In what we know as the meridian of time Jesus was born in a lowly stable in Bethlehem. We do not know much about his life before he began preaching but it is believed he began his ministry at about thirty years of age. Jesus reiterated the importance of living the Ten Commandments, taught forgiving others and doing good, When asked”what manner of men should we be” Jesus answered even as I am”. Jesus spent his life serving others. He healed the sick, raised the dead, forgave the repentant, taught rules for bringing happiness in our lives , and most of all he sacrificed his life so we could receive forgivness for our sins.

We should honor someone who did so much for mankind. But how much honor are we giving to jesus at Christmas Time? In the United Sstates where we have blended so many practices from cultures all over the world we have the most elaborate Christmas Celebration in the world.

We fear Christmas is more a celebration of material things than it is the contributions of Jesus. We have taught out children that redceiving gifts is the essence of Christmas rather than celebrating the gifts of Jesus.

While a few are drawn to serving others as Jesus did we think most people are totally drawn to the materialistic side of Christmas. Far too many of us go into debt ot buy expensive gifts to impress others. Many childdren want to compare the gifts they received to see who received the most. In a society where so much emphasis is given to material things on Christmas Jesus seems like a distraction.

At this Christmas Time why not think of service you can give to others? why not visit a lonley widow? Why not call someone you know who has been having challenges in life? Why not express appreciation to someone who is doing things to bless the lives of others?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.