In a Free Society Do the Majority Usually Choose to Do Good?
It has been said that the majority of the people, if they have a choice, will chose to do good most of the time. You would think that might be true considering how unpopular the Biden Regime is currently with a majority of the people apparently ready to vote against evil. Biden, with his dementia, is a puppet of his Marxist advisors. It is likely half of Americans do not know the country is now being run by Marxists. You would be hard pressed to find anything the Biden Regime has done that has not weakened the United States, from unlawfully bringing in millions of foreign invaders to surrendering to a few guys in pick up trucks carrying guns in Afghanistan.
The founding fathers envisioned public servants who served out of love of freedom, country and their fellow man. They made arrangements for impeachment of leaders who became unfit to serve because of mental or physical challenges or for breaking the law. They did not envision they type of charlatans we now have holding office today, men and women who use public office to enrich themselves or gain power. Joe Biden is a good case study. He is now a millionaire. How does an elected official become rich in government service? Biden’s son, Hunter, made some sweet deals in China and Ukraine which brought him a lot of money. He was involved in businesses he had no experience in while daddy was vice president. Were foreign powers buying expertise or influence? Do the deals smell? Did not Hunter send an e-mail to family members saying he had to give half of his take to the big guy? Who comes to mind to fit that description? Was it one of the guys on the biggest losers show on TV or does someone else come to mind? No impeachment will be forthcoming since a lot of other Democrats are feeding at the same trough and will protect their own.

The Republicans are confident they can take back the house and senate next year and the Presidency two years away. I suggest they are overconfident. There was a lot of evidence of wrong- doing in the last election. For the most part attempts to investigate have been blocked by the Democrats. Very few people have been charged and convicted of fraud. If there was widespread fraud as most citizens including a number of computer forensic experts believe, what will change next election? If there was widespread cheating the cheaters will be emboldened by not getting caught and will be better at cheating next election.
Joseph Stalin is alleged to have said, ”it is not who votes but who counts the votes who matter” I remind you that the Democrat Party has embraced communism by inviting Bernie Saunders, who prefers to be called a socialist, and the “squad” in their ranks. The Democrats will embrace anyone they think will keep them in power. They are willing to work with the Chinese Communist Party in receiving advice on how to win elections and probably did in the last election. What is there not to like for the Democrats in getting advice from the CCP. The Chinese Communist Party has an unbelievable record. They have not lost an election in 60 years! It is amazing that the CCP picks candidates that they people love so much they have not wanted any other choices in 60 years. The Democrats could take a lesson from the CCP and start referring to Joe and Kamala as our “great leaders” Once they people realize how great they are no one else would need to run for office.
This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.