Hypocrisy of the Democrats

The Governors of Texas and Florida made some brilliant moves in sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities in Democratic Strongholds. The very compassionate Democrats screamed loud enough to be heard across the country. Was there ever any question of the hypocrisy of the Democrats? They love to virtue signal but when it comes to action the only thing they were willing to do was to criticize the governors for trying to share the joys of receiving illegal immigrants with them. The Democrats only want to look compassionate. They do not want poor uneducated immigrants in their communities.

The people of the United States are outraged at the Democrats illegally bringing in thousands of illegal immigrants, incompetence of Joe Biden and his communist advisors, run a way inflation, government deficits, disrespect from the nations of the world, submission to the desires of the Chinese Communist Party, a compromised Joe Biden whose family makes a lot of money in China all while claiming to be looking out for the middle class.

Can the Democrats possibility bring in more votes than the Republican Party this coming November in spite of polls that show the majority are not happy with sleepy Joe? Of course they very well might. Remember Joe Biden who spent most of the last election campaign confined to his home? Remember Donald Trump who campaigned vigorously before huge crowds? Remember Donald Trump having a lead before we went to bed and we awakened to find out Biden “had won” when thousands of Biden votes appeared during the night?

The Democrats and their criminal allies in the media promoted the last election as “the most secure in history”. It may have been the most secure election for the Democrats in history with all those fraudulent votes being counted. Remember the Democrats gave us votes that could not be traced or verified, vote harvesters of unknown origin who made frequent trips to unsecured drop boxes, voting rolls that contained dead people and people who had moved, voting registrars who broke state laws in counting illegal votes and voting machines that registrars would not allow audits to be performed on. Add to that the man who is in charge of the Justice Department, who some consider to be a criminal, suggested attempts to verify votes might be considered voter intimidation. Do you intimidate people who have already voted by doing an investigation? The Democrats and their fellow criminals in the media are also suggesting questioning the results of an election is breaking the law.

The Democrats have embraced communism and are using law enforcement to investigate and arrest, do Congressional Hearings and get dishonest judges to sign search warrants to steal information from those the Democrats consider their political enemies. It is likely the Biden Regime is receiving advice from the Chinese Communist Government on their illegal activities since they have embraced communism. The Biden Regime is doing everything it can do destroy the middle class and The Constitution. The Constitution has never in our history been as threatened as it is now under Biden.

Will the people stand up to the tyranny of the Communists in the Biden Regime? They Biden People are likely getting advice in crowd control from the Chinese Communist Party. Who will stop their fraudulent voting activities? The Republicans? They did not last election and will not likely this go round. Plus the Republicans were clueless concerning the fraudulent voting last election and will likely be this time if the Democrats come up with a novel way to come up with additional votes. So the idea that the Republicans will win by a landslide this election may not happen.

The Democrats have been watching the money roll into their pockets since the Biden Regime took over and they are drunk with the power their now have. They will not be willing to give up all that. Expect more of what they did in the last election and some new schemes.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.