How to Use Other People’s Money to Destroy your Enemies, Manipulate People and Enrich Yourself

If you are a totally corrupt self centered person who has no moral compass and wants to keep being yourself here are some tips. If you want an opportunity to make a lot of money and control other people’s lives and break the law with no consequence either go into politics, work for the Federal Government or get involved with charitable organizations. Two of your best role models are Joe Biden who took the political option and Anthony Fauci whose route to riches and fame came as a Federal Government employee.

Let us look a Anthony Fauci first. Dr. Fauci toiled away as a government bureaucrat for decades finally getting a plum gig as the Director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious Diseases. He became very rich as the highest Government Employee in the land. When Covid came to our shores Dr. Fauci was living the dream. He made a fat salary, had benefits most of us could only dream about and was awaiting a rich mans income in the form of a retirement. He was on TV nightly basking in fame. People were willing to lick his feet or kiss another part of his anatomy. Admiring fans could not get enough of Dr. Fauci.

As Covid worked it s way through things began to unravel for the esteemed Dr. Fauci. First he told us we did not need mask’s. Then he did an about face and insisted everyone wear a mask even toddlers. He quickly started losing credibility except with the left wing news media. Finally he lead a verbal and printed assault against those in the medical professional who disagreed with him and worked with the news media attempt to stifle their free speech. For these things he should have been arrested. Instead he was allowed to continue abusing individuals and the public. Time has proven many of those who disagreed with Fauci were correct. If you want to do evil and work in government there are many in government who will protect you.

There can only be one highest paid government worker but you can still hit pay dirt toiling away in the lower ranks . Statistics indicate Federal workers make more and have more benefits and days off than those doing similar jobs in the private section. The difficulty of firing a Federal Employee is well documented The retirement benefits are the envy of the private section employees.

Then there is the darling of the corrupt politicians named Joe Biden. The corrupt admire him for becoming a multi-millionaire in public service. Joe knew how to work deals with other politicians to gain power in government service. When he rose in the ranks he did favors for other politicians and pay back came when the corrupt Democrats decided to back one of their own kind as a vice presidential candidate and then as a Presidential candidate. First he was Vice President to a man whose favorite Professor in College was a Marxist. This was a great opportunity to get training from the experts in controlling people, Marxists or those sympathetic to their evil goals.

Then the ill advised lockdowns were forced on us by the Fauci Gang and supported by the ill advised. The Democrats in the Blue states wasted no time. This was a perfect storm for them to claim that we needed mail in ballots and ballot harvesting because people were not able to get to the polls. You know the rest of the story. We went to bed hearing that Trump had a lead. Then overnight, and even beyond, unverifiable mail in votes and unverifiable harvested votes came in a flood to take Biden over the top. This had to be a well orchestrated plan. They were also well prepared to meet the challenges they knew would come. They claimed the election was the most secure ever. If so why did the Democrats try to prevent any audits by claiming voter repression. A dubious claim since the voting had ended at that point. The corrupt news media was well prepared to attack anyone who dared claim fraud in voting. It looked like it was preplanned with the Democrat Party. Now we have had a miserable Presidency under Biden. He and his fellow criminals helped him to dole out millions to his friends when our social security system is scheduled to go broke soon. Prices have skyrocketed under Biden. Our retirements are not safe as long as Biden and his fellow criminals are out on the streets

Now Congressional Investigators are finding Biden has taken millions from overseas entities, including our most dangerous enemy China, for no recognizable reason. Will Biden ever be charged with anything illegal? He probably has enough corrupt friends in the Democratic Party to shield him from any consequences.

If you do not like politics or working for the government their is another avenue for gaining power and getting others people’s money flowing your way. How about charitable organizations? Radical Leftists have recognized advantages of infiltrating charitable organizations to get money, power and the ability to control others and propagandize them. Now they have control of organizations that were set up for noble purposes by wealthy people who have long since died. If they were alive they would be horrified at how radical groups were able to take control of their organizations and use money to support groups who are trying to undermine our institutions.

Some formerly respected charitable organizations are giving money to left wing news organizations. The news organizations have had so many subscribers fleeing them they are being propped up by these charitable organizations to prevent bankruptcy. Black Lives Matter is a darling of the political left. It was set up by Marxists and is recognized by the IRS as a reputable charitable organization, even though their goals are the same as the Chinese Communists. In recent years one of the founders was caught buying luxury homes with other people’s money. The explanation given was they would use these mansions to hold conferences. Do you buy that? Apparently the IRS did.

Maybe you do not have the people skills to get yourself imbedded in an existing high profile charitable organization. Do not despair. Get yourself a IRS publication on setting up a charitable organization. Find some needs you can exploit. Come up with a business plan. It will cost you a little money but you need a lawyer to review your plans to make sure it will pass IRS scrutiny. Then apply for approval. If you are not approved get your lawyer’s help in doing an upgrade on your business plan. If you can get the IRS to approve, you are on your way to riches.

I do not know of any regulations the IRS has on what salary the charity can pay or what benefits within reason you can provide to the employees. Pay yourself, or your family members who will work in the charity a salary, benefits and retirement plan that is very generous. Then hire an organization that raises money for charities and watch the money and benefits come your way. You will need to go into the office occasionally so the IRS will not get suspicious, but you can have an in home office.

Maybe some of the readers of this article will think I am a real novice because of my limited coverage of ways to get your hands in other people’s pockets. If you have great success, in other ways, of getting other people’s money to flow to you I would love to hear about it.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.