How to Destroy China

The majority of the people in the United States rejoiced when the evil Biden regime was dumped by the voters. Joe Biden’s family businesses received millions from China and other sworn enemies of the United States in exchange for Biden being their puppet. Nearly everything the Biden Regime did was detrimental to the United States. His infamous quote was, “we need a rising China.” The citizens voted for Donald Trump in part because they did not think Trump can be bought by foreign powers. We do not need a rising China. Biden needed a rising China so he could enrich himself by serving them.

Donald Trump has a great challenge in dealing with China. China got used to getting favors from the United States with Biden in charge. They even threatened the United States and worked deals with our enemies to our detriment. They will have severe withdrawal pains and our pro China leftist news media will start their pro-China propaganda campaign by claiming high tariffs on Chinese Goods will raise our prices and risk military attacks from the angry Chinese. Fear, or expected fear, is a big part of the leftist propaganda they are trying to sell us.

It has been my belief that the way to crush China is to cut off their funding. And where do they get most of their funding to build up their military and threaten us and smaller nations? Why it is from the profits they make from selling us their manufactured goods. Trump’s plan to raise tariffs on Chinese goods sounds like a good plan to me. In time the Chinese may be able to replace our trade with trade with other nations by buying up their leaders or promising aid that will never come.

If that will happen, we may need an alternative plan. I had to do a lot of research to come up with an alternative plan for China but I think I may have come with a workable plan. I contacted Soothsayers, Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, Astrologers, Occultists, Magicians, Seers, Diviners, Oracles, Psychics, Prophets, Palmists Fortune Tellers and Ouija Boards. I also read what some Historians have said about how great kingdoms in the world have self- destructed. I even tried to get an interview with the Devil but his personal secretary said he was unavailable because he was working with Democrats to come up with believable lies to explain why Kamela Harris lost the election.

The plan I came up with is so simple I am embarrassed that I had not thought of it before. Offer China something free! You know how something advertised as free gets attention. Advertisers have been known to advertise something as “free of extra charge” to get people to read their ads. Politicians have been re-elected for years by promising citizens free medical care, free rent supplements, free food stamps and free educational loan payoffs. Of course, those freebies are free to the people who get them but for us who are trying to pay our own way, we are the ones who get stuck with the bill. And we can no longer afford it.

You know how the Communist’s have so suppressed creativity in China they have to depend on stealing our ideas come up with anything that works. Let’s offer them free experts to help them make decisions. We can begin by offering to send Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Chuck Schummer, Nancy Pelosi. Cory Booker, Adam Schiff, Dr Fauci, Alejandro Mayorkas, The Squad, Pete Buttigieg and Christopher Wray. These people worked tirelessly and almost succeeded in destroying the United States in four years. We have thousands of bureaucrats in government who spend all their time trying to make our lives miserable. Let’s send them too. The Chinese cannot resist getting free advice. You may question whether these people would work their magic of destruction on China with same enthusiasm they had wrecking the United States. I am betting they would have their egos so massaged by being called experts they would love to “help” the Chinese. It would boast their egos to think that they would be considered experts. With their incompetence and the incompetence of the Communist Patry I feel confident that the Communist Regime would soon be History. That’s my plan and I’m sticking with it.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.
