How to destroy China

The Chinese Communists have plans to destroy the United States. It is no secret . They openly admit it. And what is the reaction to this from many politicians? They openly support China. Foremost supporter is Crooked Joe Biden. He reminds us that we need a rising China. So why does Joe think we need a rising China. Do we need a country that steals our technology? They have stolen our technology through espionage or forcing American Companies to give them our technology secrets in order to access their markets or to manufacture cheaply in China. This diminishes our ability to have a strong market lead over other nations in the World. Is this why Biden thinks we need a rising China?

China has thousands of hackers employed trying to get our national defense secrets, accessing our technology, looking for vulnerabilities in our grid system, and even getting personal information on our citizens. We really need this, don’t we crooked Joe? Now thanks to Joe’s illegal open borders policy many Chinese are pouring across our open borders down south. Why are they coming? No one enters or leaves China without the permission of the Chinese Communist Party. So, is it possible the Chinese Communist party is sending them here? Since crooked Joe’s Regime does not vet people coming in, we do not know what training they received before being sent to the United States. I think, thanks to good ole Joe, terrorists will soon be setting up shop in your neighborhood. We need some well trained terrorists in our neighborhood don’t we Joe?

Why is Joe able to destroy our country in exchange for Chinese money flowing into his pockets and the pockets of family members? The Bidens had multiple companies set up with no business endeavors other than to launder money. Biden’s Presidential Library at the University of Pennsylvania received millions of dollars in donations from “private citizens” from other nations. There are no private citizens in China. Everyone is a slave to the Regime. Big money always comes with strings. Those who are supposed to police the action of the President, that’s federal law enforcement and the majority of those in the House and Senate are so corrupt, they support Joe. The Communists have infiltrated every institution in the United States. Does every decision made by the Biden Regime need to be approved by the Chinese Communists?

How can we take down China without firing a shot. It is very simple. Just acknowledge they are our enemies by their own doing and stop trading with them. They cannot bribe American Elected Officials if they do not have our money to do it. They depend on our money, made by selling us manufactured goods, to also bribe government office holders in other countries. They use our money to build up a huge navy they hope to either intimidate with or defeat us in war.

There are a lot of treasonous people in the United States who profit from either manufacturing in China or selling Chinese made goods. They do not care if China buries us as long as money keeps coming to their pockets right now. They pay a lot of the money they make to support politicians who will protect China from being held accountable for their sins and keep Chinese money flowing to them.

Then we have a lot of stupid people in the United States who listen to their argument that if we take action against China we will harm the citizens of China. To hear them tell their story the Chinese people hate Communism so we should not take any action that will harm these nice people. If apologists for other nations were running the United States during World War II, the rising sun flag would now be flowing over all the states west of the Mississippi and the Nazi Flag over the states east of the Mississippi.

While we are still free all the Citizens of the United States should make it our personal mission to take down the evil that is China and refuse to buy anything made in China.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.