How American Institutions are Helping Communist China Destroy the U.S.

Many years ago our Economics Professor told our class that Karl Marx was brilliant. She never mentioned the abuse he heaped on the Russian People. Did she consider Hitler brilliant? Both he and Karl Marx are credited for being the cause of the death of millions. College Professors love to tell their students of the beautiful theories of Marxism. They do a great disservice to their students in not pointing out the theory of Marxism is far different from actual practice. I have often wondered if college professors are in denial. Have they been taught false doctrine so long they no longer recognize the truth? And what about their students? Are they so enthralled by the theories of communism that they do not study the history of Marxism? Doesn’t that make them lazy? Maybe they are part of the population who are incapable of understanding the difference between good and evil. Or maybe they love a lie. It is true that some people will repeat idle gossip, also know as lies, because it gives them a feeling that other people are impressed with them. Professor Jon Zubieta of Syracuse University was quoted as saying “young college students were once ambitious and inquisitive. That characteristic has been replaced by woke orthodoxy and Heaven help you if you deviate.” Students are totally ignorant of economics, civics and Western Cultural Heritage. College professors who were taught the false doctrine of Marxism are now teaching it to our children. According to national research 38 percent of Americans are conservative politically and 24 percent are liberal. In 2017 Professor Mitchell Langbert of Brooklyn College surveyed 8.688 tenured track Phds at 51 percent of the top teered liberal arts colleges in the U.S. He found that 60 percent listed either Democrat or Republican affiliation. He found that of those who listed Democrat or Republican the Democrats outnumbered Republicans by just over 10 to 1. Thirty- nine per cent of the colleges were totally free of Republicans. This indicates Marxists have nearly totally infiltrated higher education. No wonder students are of such poor quality today. We need to elect people to public office who will change that bias that is helping the Chinese to destroy our country.

What is wrong with this? Plenty. When colleges claim to be a place where freedom of ideas flourish they are not telling the truth. And in a society where there are more conservatives than liberals college professors are at war with the American people who contribute a great deal in treasure to many who are trying to destroy our freedoms. These schools receive tax funds and use them  for propaganda purposes, that is only teaching leftist philosophies. And in addition many of their students will find their way into secondary schools where they will teach Marxist Propaganda to your children such as Critical Race Theory.

Why would educated people embrace a system as detrimental to a society as Marxism? Marxism have no problem killing, torturing, putting people in prison, forced labor camps or do anything to force people to do their will so they can stay in power and steal from the treasury. The late Senator,Daniel Patrick Moynihan,from New York once remarked “ideological certainly easily generates into an insistence upon ignorance” Is there a sub set of people in our society who love a lie. Are there people in our society people unable to comprehend the evils of Marxism? You would think that American Marxist professors do not need any help teaching Marxist philosophy but there is plenty of help available.

The Chinese Communist Party with adoring approval of left wing Marxists in American Universities have set up Confucius Institutes at over 100 colleges in American. The guise is to teach Chinese language and culture to American College Students. Here is what Li Changchun a member of the Chinese Politburo said. ”The Confucius institute is an appealing brand for expanding our culture abroad. The Confucius Brand has a natural attractiveness using the excuse of teaching Chinese language, everything looks reasonable and logical.” In other words they can teach Marxism with the approval of colleges and the U.S. Government. And did we mention that the Chinese Communists do not allow Americans to set up Freedom Institutes in China? There is a reason for this. Our leaders and either Marxist infiltrators or stupid or both.

The two greatest temptations of men are lust for power and money. You can follow both with the Confucius Institute. Having an institute on your campus is perceived by college administrators as growing their kingdom and power with it. Then follow the money.  The Chinese Communists are spending a lot of money at American Campuses to do their propaganda institutes and college administrators want the money communists spend there. Leftist administrators are willing to sell their souls and the souls of their administrators for money or power.

Where is the State Department as the Chinese try to manipulate our college age students. How many in the state department are Marxist Infiltrators?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.