Hold Your Horses, Donald Trump

There is an old saying in the United States, Hold your horses. No one seems to know the origin of the saying. When I was a child my father used to borrow mules from his uncle, a farmer, to plow our large garden. He would load up a wagon with a plow and disk in the bed of the wagon, hook up the mules to the wagon and drive to our place. Some people used horses instead of mules. I learned a little about these beasts of burden. The horse or mule had a bridle on his head with reins hooked to them. If you pulled on the rein hooked to the left side of the bridle the animal’s head would be pulled to the left and the animal would go to the left making the wagon take a left turn and a right rein pull would take the wagon into a right turn. If you wanted the animals to stop you would pull the reins straight back and the animals learned to stop pulling when that happened. If you kept the reins taut the animals would stay where they were. If you got distracted and loosened the reins the animals would know from experience that a lose rein meant they would be going forward and would probably do so. If they did, they might injure someone getting off the wagon or out of a horse carriage. This is likely where the saying “hold your horses” came from. Today this slang term has come to mean stop or think through what you are going to do before you do it.

The Biden Regime appeared to be incompetent in nearly every thing it tried to do. I do not think it was incompetence. I think Biden had a lot of Marxists in his administration who were trying to destroy our country. We the people voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump and a Republican and Senate Majority to save our country from total destruction. Now I am concerned that President Trump will forget why we voted Republican.

The things we expect from the Republicans are border security, smaller government, lower taxes, control over inflation, the end of censorship, , the end of political lawfare, reduction of the national debt, a strong military to defend us, end to wasteful spending, the end of government over regulation and accountability for government workers who lie to the citizens or break our laws and accountability for non-government people who break our laws.

We need President Trump’s advisors to tell him to stop saying outrageous things like we may need to seize the Panama Canal or invade Greenland. Yes it was a dumb thing that President Carter did in giving the control of the Canal to Panama, but dumb things is what Democrats do. The question is whether what he did was illegal. If it was legal then we should not be talking about seizing it. Greenland may have lots of unmined resources and it may be a strategic place for us to have military bases but neither justify us invading Greenland. Russia’s Putin is trying to justify invading Ukraine, but he is an evil man has no right to do so. We did not vote for Donald Trump be an “American Putin”.

President Trump needs to spend his energy reversing all the things that the Democrat Criminals did to destroy the United States. To use another American slang term, we are not “out of the woods” until President Trump reverses all of Biden, and his Communist Advisors, attempts to destroy the United States.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.