Exciting Things We Hope for in 2025

After all we suffered under the Communist Puppet Joe Biden the bar for Donald Trump is not very high. We are hoping Trump will set the bar high and restore the United States into a nation of freedom, competence and prosperity. First order should be to close our borders to invaders from other lands. Then deport everyone who entered illegally. We do not have to send them back to their home countries. Nearly every one of them came through Mexico with the blessings of the Mexican government. Just take them to Mexico and release them at the border. Since the Mexican Government allowed them to cross our border, they should have the privilege of deciding what to do with them. We should play hardball on this. We should investigate every Democrat politician who supported this law-breaking action and charge the guilty with breaking the law. We may end up with most Democrat Politicians in jail but how would that be a bad thing?

Next should be Donald Trump issuing new executive orders to change every executive order Comrade Joe issued. If Comrade Joe had authority to issue executive orders, so does Donald Trump. Joe’s executive Orders had one goal and that was to help destroy the United States. China funneled a lot of money to Joe try to destroy the United States.

A lot of unlawful activity happened under Democrat Rule and those breaking the laws should be held accountable. I am not using the Democrats term “retribution” they use to try to avoid their being held accountable for their crimes. I am speaking of Justice for the People of the United States who were the victims of this abuse by the Democrats. The corrupt Joe Biden has been issuing pardons to Democrats for crimes they have not been charged with yet. That liar even issued a pardon for his son after saying he would not. A thorough investigation should be made of the FBI and Justice Department and where laws were broken those breaking the laws should be charged with a crime.

We need to reduce government spending and have a balanced budget amendment to our Constitution. We need to reduce our national debt. The next best way to do this, after a balanced budget amendment, is to greatly reduce government agencies and employment. Elon Musk drastically reduced the number of employees in his company and the company continued to thrive. This will also happen in government.

Our education system is mostly a propaganda movement. The suggestion we shut down the Department of Education sounds like a wonderful plan to me. We need to return education to educating students rather than indoctrinating them with Marxist Dogma. And speaking of Marxism we should stop trading with China.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.