Those of us who remember Garrison Keeler’s Prairie Home Companion used to chuckle when he talked about the mythical community of Lake Woebegone where all the students were above average in intelligence. Recently we discovered a Lake Woebegone Community actually exists. It is called Loudon County, Virginia which is a suburb of Washington, D.C. At a recent High School Graduation there the principal proudly announced that 80 per cent of the graduating class were members of the National Honor Society. Families and friends of the graduates enthusiastically clapped. We feel it is unlikely that 80 percent of the graduation class had actually earned a 3.65 grade average. We think it could happen in a gifted school that choses those who attend, But in a public school which has to accept every student in a community? No.
However we are intrigued by the concept of every child in school being gifted. In our society where not having hurt feelings and having high self esteem is much more important than achievement, why not disburse grades so that every student gets a 3.65 point average. Think of how proud the parents would be if they could say their child was a member of the National Honor Society. Think of the feeling of high self esteem a student would have just knowing they are in the National Honor Society

This would level the playing field in college admissions. Some racial minorities are shut out of certain school because they do not do as well on their grades as those who have white privilege or Asian privilege. Our grading system should be more comprehensive. Why not give students extra points for participating in demonstrations against injustice, white supremacy or just being a member of an oppressed minority? Committees could be set up in schools to determine what actions or groups should get extra points.
Once we resolve all the issues of systemic disadvantages in high school we should began tackling the same issues in higher education. First is the admission issues. SAT’s and ACT’s prevent a lot of disadvantaged youth from getting into college because of the quality of education they received. It is time to get rid of SAT’s and ACT’s. Colleges should have a more balanced approach to admissions and award slots to their campuses based on the percentage of the population each ethnic or racial group represents. This approach would eliminate the discrimination that is systemic in our society.
Next all students should get A’s and B’s in their classes. This would eliminate the hurt feelings that occur when students get a low grade. Next there should be no class attendance requirements for classes. Each student should be trusted to decide which activities are most important to them. For instance some students may feel their social skills are weak and feel they need to spend more time at parties developing their social skills. There are great advantages for students to know they are trusted to make the right decisions for themselves.
This information in this blog if followed does not guarantee individual success. We take no responsibility if the things we suggest do not make you beautiful, intelligent, personable, sexy, rich, or prevent you from having bad breath. However we believe if all these suggestions are followed we will live happily ever after.