Employment Opportunity. CEO of the Democrat Party

We are the Democratic Party and we have an outstanding employment opportunity for a CEO of the Democratic Party. The current CEO no longer responds to his name and will be unable to serve past his current term. Until the end of his current term, decisions that benefit all citizens of the U.S. will be made by a committee made up of U.S. and Chinese advisors. These decisions will be carried out by Executive Order and signed by our current CEO. The official title of the CEO is President of the United States. Applicants should understand they are required to run for President of the United States as indicated in the Constitution. This is a mere formality as we can guarantee the person we select will receive enough votes to be elected. Campaigning will require minimal time since the CEO’s election to President is assured. The CEO can spend most of his time at his resort property during the campaign. It is anticipated you will not have to run for re-election since we expect to have enough political power by then to cancel the racially motivated Constitution.


Being the political leader of the United States.

Make the U.S. a more equitable society

Integrate The Communist Manifesto into all K-12 curricula in the United States

Enlarge the Justice Dept. and FBI to enable them to eliminate domestic terrorists.

Work to have a close cooperative relationship with China.

Work to have Republicans, People who believe in God, People who not approve of aborting a helpless Child or who criticize government be labeled Domestic Terrorists.

Set up nationwide Re-education Camps for those who do not readily accept politically correct thought.


Salary $400,000 yearly with a generous pension( please note this is low for most CEO’s in the United States but most former presidents get book contracts worth millions. In addition many foreign countries feel sorry for the president and his low salary and give him gifts. According to a House report China is alleged to have donated $10,000,000 to companies owned by the Biden Family. So do not be put off by the low salary if you are not a millionaire before you become president you will soon be a multi-millionaire.

Free medical benefits

Free Jet to travel

Free food

Free Housing which is not taxed as income.

Government provided servants in the White House which probably averages 20 people for each member of the President’s family.


No education requirements unless you went to college. If you attended a religious college you do not qualify. You do not need a functioning brain for this job, however you must have a ticking heart.

White people will no longer qualify to eliminate any question of white privilege.

Candidate must be a believer in the philosophy of Karl Marx.

Frequent participation in riots, demonstrations whether peaceful or not or burning of police cars would be a plus.

If you feel you qualify for this position please fax your resume to the Democratic Party Office at the Karl Marx Office Building in Washington, D.C.

This is an opinion blog and all to real satirical composition for Conservatives and People of Faith.