Easter, The Great Event

Each year Christians through out the world celebrate the greatest event that has has happened in our world. This was the atonement and resurrection of Jesus which we call Easter. When God placed man in the world he commanded that we be perfect. This meant we would always do his will. From the time of Adam and Eve he gave us commandments so we would know what was expected of us.

We were born into the world to be tested to determine if we would do God’s will. God said that no unclean thing would be able to enter Heaven. By sinning, which means not doing God’s will, we become spiritually unclean. God also knew that none of us would reach perfection. For this reason Jesus was sent into the world. Jesus was a perfect man which meant he always did the will of the father. Because he was perfect he could atone for our sins giving us the privilege of entering the Kingdom of God even though we have not reached perfection.

This does not mean that everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven because Jesus atoned for our sins. Only those who believe in Christ as the Son of God, repent of their sins, are baptized and strive to keep God’s commandment will be eligible to enter the Kingdom of God. Contrary to what many Christians believe, professing Christ as the Son of God will not get you into Heaven. As the scriptures say “even the Devils believe and tremble”.

When Jesus was in Gethsemane he suffered in a way we cannot understand by taking upon himself all the sins of mankind even sweating blood. After Gethsemane he was nailed to cross and suffered excruciating pain before giving up his own life. The reason these events are the most important thing that has ever happened on earth is because of Jesus’s atonement all mankind are eligible to enter Heaven if we will do God’s will in spite of being imperfect. The other event that affects us is the resurrection. Because of the resurrection of Christ all of us will be resurrected regardless of whether we are eligible to enter Heaven. Contrary to what many Christians believe it is not our spirits but our physical bodies that are resurrected. Even though Jesus said to his disciples, “handle me and see, for a spirit has not flesh and bones as ye see me have” many continue to not believe in a literal resurrection.

A friend told me the reason Jesus took up his body was because you cannot see a spirit and the people needed to see him to know he was resurrected. I asked what he did with his body after he was seen ascending into Heaven. He had no answer. I also pointed out many people were risen from the dead according to the scriptures and “went into the Hole City and appeared to many.” I also asked if those people were spirits and could not be seen how was it known that they were resurrected? Again he had no answer.

I add my testimony to that of millions who testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He lives! We can be with Him and our Father in Heaven if we will keep the commandments.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.