Does VCU Have the Wrong People on its Board of Visitors>

In this world of political correctness the actions of fools has become almost mainstream. A good example is the VCU Boad of Visitors recent action concerning the removal of the names on VCU Buildings of anyone who served in any capacity in the Confederate States of America.

According to reports from the Richmond Times Dispatch the Board of Visitors voted to remove the names of a number of people who lived in the south during the Civil War. We think the newspaper was in error as the Board of Visitors is an advisory committee and has no authority to remove names. We think that authority lies in the President of VCU who appointed a committee who he anticipated would bring in his desired results.

The people whose names appear on VCU Buildings were people of accomplishment and that is why they are there. Now we have a group of very flawed people conspiring together to decide that certain people ‘s lives are not worth remembering. One of them is Hunter Holmes McGuire who spent his life healing people, teaching and started some hospitals in Richmond. He was a surgeon in the Confederate Army and saved lives the VCU Board would probably not think were worth saving.

Judging other people , even dead people is wrong. It is elitist and ignores one’s own faults. These people on the committee need to research their own family tree and they will find some unpleasant surprises. No doubt they would realize because of their ancestors they are unworthy to serve. Our VCU Board needs to be replaced.

The President of VCU, Dr Rao, should apologize to the VCU Students and Alumni whose anacestors are from Virginia for his insensitive implications that our ancestors are not worthy of remembrance. He is not a good fit for a school who has so many students and alumni whose roots are in Virginia.

We are wondering if the constant attack on Dead White Southernors is a mental illiness.

This is a conservative boog of conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your opinions.