Democrats Blueprint for a Marxist America

In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev, who was the leader in Communist Russia, said at a press conference “we will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”. Later in 1959 he said, “we can’t expect American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders by feeding them small doses of socialism until they awaken one day to find they already have communism.” It has taken awhile but Khrushchev” prophesy on the U.S. becoming a communist country in small doses is close to being fulfilled. If he were alive today, he would be shocked that Communism collapsed in Russia because of corruption and Communist China is the main power trying to topple the United States. Communist China has forged many ties with businesses in the United States and with elected officials such as Joe Biden.
A number of people have written of a husband-and-wife team, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, Marxist Professors at Columbia University in new York City who devised a blueprint for things that had to happen to create a Socialist State. Here are the eight things they listed which the Democrat party is now trying to implement:

1.Health Care. If government controls health care you can control the people. President Obama, who’s favorite professor was a Marxist, brought us Obama Care which was the Democratic party attempt at accomplishing this control. President Trump temporary derailed Obamacare but with the Democrats in power a new push is being made to do away with private health care and force everyone to be yoked by the government. Our experience in the pandemic illustrates how right this evil couple were. The center for disease control was able to dictate even our social lives by telling us what we could or could not do under the guise of keeping people safe during the pandemic. This even extended to suppressing religious freedom and social activities in the privacy of our own homes.
2. Poverty. Increase the poverty level. Make more people dependent on the government. Biden’s stimulus programs have been sending people free money. Who is going to vote against someone who sends them free money?
3.Debt. Increase the public debt to unstainable levels. Biden’s reckless spending bills is a good example. In order to pay these bills the government will either have to print money causing excessive inflation, increase borrowing to further bankrupt the nation or greatly increase taxes suppressing economic growth. Look for all these things to happen under Biden.
4.Gun control. Remove guns from citizens to prevent them from fighting back against abuse by the government. The guise is protecting people from mass shootings while ignoring the thousands of Black people who are murdered each year by people who ignore gun laws. The Democrats are very involved in trying to restrict the right to bear arms currently.
5.Welfare. Take control over every aspect of poor people’s lives by providing them with food, housing, income, and health care to buy votes from dependent people. The Democratic party is the party of welfare dependence.
6.Education. control what people read, hear and are taught. We are sure what they had in mind is teaching lies to students. However, Marxists have always relied on control of the news media to prevent people from hearing the truth. In recent years Marxists have had success beyond their wildest dreams in controlling what people see and hear on the news media without the government owning the news media. By infiltrating the news media Marxists have been able to control what news people hear. After the last election surveys discovered that up to 30 per cent of the people who voted for Biden had not even heard of his shady dealings benefiting himself and his family in China and Ukraine. Does this shows how effective the Marxist (Mainstream) Media were in not reporting on the suspected illegal dealings by Joe in China and Ukraine? Recently the Democrats have been pushing to take away the rights of states to set voting standards. Their big issue is requiring people to identify themselves to vote. Democrats are alarmed that dead people, non-citizens, ballot stuffers, people who have moved out of state and people who make copies of ballots and take them to drop boxes are getting disenfranchised. These Democrats are even getting support from CEOs of American Businesses criticizing the State of Georgia for requiring people voting to identify themselves. We are familiar with Delta Airlines, Coca Cola and Major League baseball executives sticking their noses where they do not belong. Why would CEO’s even lie when making their statements? There is an old saying if you want to know what motivates people follow the money. Big Business and Big organizations spend millions on lobbyists who find out what it will take to get politicians to enact legislation favorable to their clients. Then the proper bribe (also known as campaign contributions) can be tendered. Why are CEOs involved in Georgia voting laws? The Democrats are trying to turn the U.S. into a one-party Marxist State like those found in Communist Countries. We think the CEO’s’ are trying to curry favor in case they succeed. Remember Communists Countries have to have Capitalist Businesses to pay the bills and enrich the great leaders.
An interesting question comes up as to why those CEOs are not criticizing China for not allowing free elections and abusing minorities. Again, follow the money. The three companies are making millions in China. If these companies are kicked out, they will lose millions of dollars in revenue. If you already understood why these CEO’s do not criticize China go to the head of the class.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.