As the old saying goes first we tolerate evil, then we accept it and then we embrace it. Such is the current attitude toward Communism in the Democratic Party. Senator Bernie Sanders , who praised Fidel Castro and honeymooned in Russia when it was under the iron fist of Communism, is a cherished member of the Democratic Caucus. Although Bernie prefers to be called a Socialist we know the truth. The Democrats also embrace the “Squad” in Congress who are generally accepted to be Marxists. In addition the Democrats embrace the leftists Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Adam Shift.
In order to keep Communists in their “big Tent” the Democrats had to embrace Communist Agendas like censorship against non communist thought and gun control to prevent the citizens from having an armed insurrection against their plans to take away our freedoms. Recently a prominent Democrat suggested the people of the United States should pressure the Catholic Church into reversing its belief and opposition to abortion. That is in violation of the citizen’s right to freedom of religion, a very communist thing to do.

Why would the Democrats embrace Communism and become a proxy for Communist Theory? Two of the greatest temptations of man are power and money. The Democrats see the communists as partners in helping them stay in power and other plum they want to suck on is under communism the great leaders control the allocation of wealth and they can channel wealth to themselves while the masses whom they care little about live in poverty.
How did we get to the place where a major political party is a partner with communism? The goal of communists is to have absolute power over people’s lives and to enrich themselves. What Democrat could resist these things?
Communists have a missionary zeal for controlling the world. They have infiltrated every institution in the United States and have control of some of these institutions. They work in government, education, labor union organizations, news media, Hollywood and social media. They become very skilled in lying and finding useful idiots to support their goals.
How does a person support an evil system that abuses so many humans? Of course one reason is they see personal gain for themselves in doing so. Then it becomes easy to rationalize all the evils of communism or completely ignore them. What about useful idiots they need to accomplish their evil goals. Black Lives Matter is a textbook study of how effective communists can be in utilizing useful idiots under the guise of a social justice movement to get white people to demonstrate against themselves and other white people. Black Lives is not only considered a Marxist Movement but also a criminal organization. In a recent documentary on TV a former business owner in a Democratic controlled big city told of how Black Lives Operatives went to businesses and demanded they put up signs that they supported Black Lives matter and give money to the organization or their business might be destroyed. This is extortion and is illegal. While any charges be made? Of course not. Black Lives Matter is a part of the Democrats “big tent”. The Democrats are not going to take action anyone the perceive as helping keep them in power or giving them money. It is interesting that someone who was a major officer is an organization that claims to be a non profit would have thousands of dollars to invest in real estate. Will the IRS investigate? Fat chance. Being in the “big tent” has financial and legal immunity advantages.
What can we do as conservatives and people of faith to combat Democrats and their Communist “big tent” partners. Band together. Show up at school board meetings when the communists on the school board are pushing the Communist Critical Race Theory and voice your disapproval. Remove those on the board who will not back down on their communist ideology. Write letters to brain dead politicians and other brain dead government officials who are trying to destroy our freedoms. They want to ignore you but you have the advantage because they fear losing power. Join organizations such as The Tea Party who actually oppose communism. Vote against evil people.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.