Democratic Party. Glue for Marxism?

There are a number of organizations in the United States that are working to destoy our freedoms and trying to control our lives. Their guise is racial justice or equality while their real purpose is to gain power over every one else. They promote the idea that Capitalism has failed to bring us equality and Marxism is a better way which is a lie and the promoters know this. None other than Jesus said the poor all always among us and that is true in a Marxist Society as well. There is just more of them under Marxism. But Marxists are not interested in helping the poor, only themselves.

Two of the greatest evils of men is the lust for power and wealth. In a Marxist Society a small minority get to exercise both of these evils. They make all the decisions in central planning and get to use their power to enrich themselves. Thus the masses have equality in being equally improvished while the beloved leaders enjoy more lavish life styles.

Once Marxists take control the leaders have to snuff out freedom of speech, religion and control the news media. This is to insure their corruption will not be revealed to the masses who would, if they still had freedom to do so, vote them out of office.

Some of the most prominent Marxist Organizations in the U.S. are Black Lives Matter, Antifa, some labor unions, some women’s organizations, a lot of social media and much of the news media. They have common goals but have not merged into one organization to make war on freedoms we enjoy as U.S. citizens.

So what is the glue that holds these organizations together to help them
with their evil goals? We submit our belief that it is the Democratic Party. The Democrats like to say they are a “big tent’. What they do not say if they will embrace anyone who they think will help them get power.

Marxist organizations hated Trump because he was a successsful Capitalist whom they perceived as a threat to their attempt to destoy freedoms and enslave the people of the U.S. They relentlessly attacked him the entire time he was in office. The Democrats in an UnHoly alliance with the news media joined the attacks and even attempted to impeach him twice. It is worth noting that some Democrat Politicians actually told the truth and admitted their goal in the last failed attempt was to prevent Trump from running for office again.

The Democrat Party is jumping on the Marxist bandwagon. They are in full support of big Marxist issues like gun control. Why is gun control such a big issue with Marxists? They want to make sure people don’t have guns to fight back when they try to enslave us.

Then there is the Bad New Green Deal. The Democrats are moving slowly to take over control of the energy section of our economy. The first move was Biden’s cancellation of the popeline that would help this country maintain energy independence. Soon to come will be govermment controls to force up energy prices.

The Democrats are big supporters of the Cancel Culture which attempts to denigrate many Americans who contributed much to the building of this nation. It started with attacks on dead white people who served the Confederacy and then expanded to white people such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and even the late Senator Harry Byrd who was Democrat. Even their own Democrats are not spared. They encourage tearing down statues, removing names of the deceased from buildings and military instalations. The Marxist’s attacked dead white patriots in print attempting to divide us by race which is a Marxist thing to do. If you think Democrats were cheering on these evil people go to the head of the class.

The latest Democrat/marxist /social media/news media grand coalition is attempting to deny free speech to anyone who does not embrace Marxist thought. The Democrat Lawmakers are even trying to pass bills to suppress news agencies that don’t promote Marxist propaganda. With Democrats in control of the White House, House of Reprsentatives and Congress our freedoms are in grave peril.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.