Corruption in Virginia Politics

Corruption in Virginia Politics

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith in the Richmond, Virginia area. We welcome your opinions in support of conservatives and people of faith.

It has been said that as soon as some people gain power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. The colonial term was tyranny and the modern term is corruption.

We think there are some good examples of this in Virginia Politics. Mayor Stoney , the mayor of the city of Richmond, stands out. You will recall when Black Lives Matter started their attacks on dead white men he stated he did not think the statues of white people should be removed. Once the mobs flocked to Richmond and the Radical Times Dispatch assigned their cheerleading reporters to glorify their acts of violence and call them peaceful demonstrators Stoney changed his position. He probably listened to the radical news media and believed everyone was on board for the Taliban Takedowns

There is no evidence Stoney made any effort to find out what the people of Richmond desired concerning the statues. Forty per cent of the of the citizen of Richmond are white and some of them are descendants of the people that Stoney is demonizing. Stoney does not know what the black population thinks about statue removal either. Stoney and his friends have removed all the white guy statues except the one blocked by court order. Wonder how the welcome the white people feel in Richmond. All Stoney knows is Black Lives Matter, a non Richmond political organization, wanted them removed, and so he was obedient to them. He is supposed to do the will of his constituents not people from out of town.

In the recent past he grabbed a bullhorn at one of the mob gatherings and cheered them on. Soon the mobs showed up at his apartment demanding he obediently report to them. Did Stoney learn that you cannot bargain with the Devil? Probably not.

When Stoney decided to flipflop on the statues he sought legal advice from the city attorney and according to news reports he was advised it would not be legal and he did it anyway. He probably knew “Taliban” Northam would not get involved if it appeared he was breaking state law.  And “Rubber Stamp” Herring of the State attorney General’s office would sleep through it all. Stoney started his work of Taliban takedowns in secret and in dark of the night..

A trustworthy leader would have consulted with citizens and if there was a consensus on which statues to remove would also have a plan on what to do with the statues removed and would not remove them in secret and in the dark of the night.. For the aforementioned we do not think Stoney is qualified to be mayor of Richmond.

Another prominent unrighteous dominion figure is Eileen Filler-Corn the speaker of the house in Virginia. She also worked in secret and in the dark of the night to remove statues of prominent Dead White Virginians from the state capital Without getting any consensus on her action. No trustworthy leader would work in secret and in the middle of the night to accomplish honest work. These two “workers of darkness ” bring to mind how Adolf Hitler secretly and in the dark of the night sent his SS troops to commit violence against Jews in Germany.

There are two other “bad actors” in Virginia Politics. One is Governor “Taliban” Northam who decided without knowing the will of the people of Virginia to tear down a magnificent work of art, the Robert E. Lee Statue. That was wrong and corrupt. He further compounded his gross corruption by not having a plan for the statue. We feel confident that if the court had not blocked the removal he would have in secret and in the darkness in the middle of the night had the statue removed.

The last bad actor we need to talk about is Mark Herring of the State Attorney General’s Office.  He decides what Virginia Laws he does not like and refuses to enforce them. We believe his favorite comment is “that law is on the wrong side of history”. Does anyone have any idea what that means? He can also be counted on when a politician wants to do something of questionable legality to issue an opinion that the person is acting within his authority. He also has a fondness for joining suits filed against the federal government by other Radical Attorney’s General which is costing the state a lot of money.

We do not feel it is in the best interests of the People of Virginia for these people to remain in government and continue to be a threat to the rule of law.