Corruption in High Places in the United States

Corruption in High places in the United States

Now that the Republicans have re-taken the House and have finally elected a speaker will they be a force in attacking the corruption of the Democrat party? Will they succumb to the temptation of personal wealth building and power that defines the Democrat Party? Some members of the Republican Partly have shown they will by voting for the last Democrat Multi Billion Spending Bill that enriches Democratic Politicians and their supporters who benefit from the heist of taxpayer funds. The recent choosing of a Minority and Majority Leader in the House are instructive. The Democrat great leaders chose someone reliability leftist to be minority leader and told everyone else to vote for him. The result was a unanimous vote. The Democratic Party loves to look to the Chinese Communist Party for inspiration, so it is not surprising they did it the same way the Chinese Communists do it. The Republicans on the other hand have elected people who are not puppets. These non puppets opposed Kevin McCarty and refused to vote for him until he agreed to make compromises to protect the rights of the people in the United States. It has been said that as soon as most people get a little authority, they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. This is how Nancy Pelosi did things.

In Communist China people who oppose the great leaders are beaten, confined to their homes, imprisoned, forced to confess wrongdoing, and killed. The Democrats are slowly working toward those goals. The twitter revelations have proven how corrupt the Democrats are. Those who dissented from the Democrat Narrative found themselves being cancelled on twitter, which was working with Democrat Government Officials to repress free speech. The other big social media corporations were doing the same. Google was manipulating their search engines to prevent people from getting information that differed from narratives being pushed by the Democrats. This was being encouraged by our Democrat Controlled Federal Government.

Democrats were very supportive of communist controlled organizations like Black lives matter and Antifa as they rioted in our cities by working to prevent them from being held accountable for the destruction they caused. By contrast the Democrats were arresting people who occupied the Capitol Building and holding them in prison without bail until they agreed to plead guilty to some crime, a tactic of communists. I do not approve of occupying buildings as an act of protest, but the police made no effort to prevent the protestors from entering the Capitol. The aftermath of the occupying was many people being arrested and called insurrectionists by the Democrats and their partners in crime, the news media. There were no charges on insurrection against anyone.

Contrast that with the treatment Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters got from the Democrats in letting them go Scott Free. The difference was the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters are reliable Democrat voters.

It is time to get down to business. First order of business should be investigation into government corruption. We need to start with the people at the top. That puts Joe Biden in the crosshairs. We have long heard of accusations of illegal activity of government officials in repressing free speech through cooperation of news media and social media organizations. We have heard enough rumors about Joe Biden and his crime family and their corruption. With Republicans in control of the House let’s have a hearing on Joe Biden and his son and their family members mixing political influence and personal gain. Why not do an investigation of members of the house in influence peddling. There would be a lot to glean from such an investigation.

My big concern is there is so much corruption in government it is hard to determine where to start. Have the majority of elected officials and bureaucrats become so corrupt that the only cure is a Civil War again. I hope that is not the case. I think Jesus would have the cure for corruption. That would be for the people to follow the commandments of God. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone lived the ten commandments. There would be no abuse, no hunger, no prisons, and a safe environment for everyone. The ideal world will not come until Jesus comes and slays the wicked. Until he comes each of us can make the world a better place by deciding to follow the teaching of Jesus.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.