Corrupt Practices in the U.S Government

 The number one element in Marxist Theory was the economic interpretation of history. That was, the economic organization of any society was the basic aspect of that society. My position is this is incorrect God gave Adam a helpmate and commanded them to multiply. There was no commandment to organize themselves into an economic unit. Since Karl Marx got this wrong there is no reason to believe his other theories are correct either. But then if you argue that God does not exist, what God decrees is not important. Karl Marx’s theory was, the workers were being exploited by the capitalists and would rise up and take power from the capitalists and would become the new capitalists. Then the new capitalists would be overthrown and the world would always be in commotion. What idealistic Karl did not realize was the so called new capitalists would manipulate and brutalize any opposition and would remain in power for 80 years like the Communist Rulers in China have.

Marx was likely right on one thing. It has been said that as soon as people get power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. We can see that is happening in the United States. The Democratic Party has always claimed to be an advocate for the so called working class. They succeeded in controlling the Presidency, the House and the Senate in 2020.What were the results of this? One was the breaking of our laws by the party in power. First Comrade Biden invited the world to illegally enter the United States and he is breaking the law by letting them come in. He should be in jail but he is protected by Democrats in the House and Senate who are as corrupt as he is and have enough power to prevent any action against Biden.  These Democrats are only interested in staying in power and enriching themselves. Any action against Biden is considered to be a threat to their power and gravy train. We honest Americans hope the Congressional Hearings will show how Biden became a multi-millionaire in government service.

Another crime of the Marxists in power is censoring to keep the masses from the truth. Marxists, whom the Democratics have embraced, have infiltrated and taken control of education, social media and most of the news media are censoring anyone whose opinions deviate from Marxist Ideology. They either get banned from social media or are attacked by people in the news media. Some of these Marxist Organizations are so powerful they can influence whether a person can make a living by getting them blacklisted. It does not just happen in China.

Joe Biden is solidly behind the leftist inspired green movement. He has bowed to his Communist Overlords by attempting to destroy America’s energy production. A big part of this is likely because many of his Democrat Fellow Travelers have stock in alternative energy companies. The more restrictions Biden puts on our main resources of energy the more his partners in crime can make in their investments in alternative energy. Biden’s policies are making the middle class poorer as they pay more for auto gas, electricity and everything that has to be transported.

One of the Democrats greatest crimes against the people was developing a permanent underclass that depend on welfare to survive. Ever since Lyndon Johnson began the Great Society Welfare programs the welfare state has been continuously expanding. The old adage is give a man a fish and he will have one meal. Teach him to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Democrats have no interest in preparing people to become self- sufficient. They know if you have a large pool of poor, uneducated underclass they will likely vote Democrat, the party which believes in cradle to grave welfare.  If they have a large group of welfare dependent people they will likely keep voting for free hand outs. Then the politicians will have lots of votes to keep them in power. In addition politicians can award contracts to people in the poverty business who will make lots of money. Some of that money can be donated to politicians election funds who can use it to help them stay in power.

Then there is the unsustainable federal debt. Social Security is scheduled to go bankrupt in a few years. Remember Al Gore’s statement about putting a lock box on social security funds so they would be available when people retire? The Democrats were spending that money as soon as it was collected and not savings any on it for people when they retired. Now people are having less than two children per family and there will not be enough payments into it to support people when they retire. The national debt is now so huge that we will be hard pressed to pay interest payments.

In spite of our huge national debt some leftist economists claim there is no problem because we are only borrowing from ourseves. Problem is when we retire we cannot buy food and other necessities with money we own ourselves. Expect a big drop off in our standard of living as the government takes more of our resource to pay the excessive obligations of the United States Government.  We need a gigantic effort to rid this nation of incompetent and corrupt politicians.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives.