Constitutional Amendments the U.S. Needs Now

There are three Constitutional Amendments that need to be passed by the States now. They are:

  1. A prohibition against the president of the United States signing Executive Orders.
  2. A Balanced Budget Amendment.
  3. A method for the citizens to remove a President and Vice President from office without having to rely on corrupt Senators and Congressmen to do that job.

First let us start with Corrupt Joe Biden and his use of Executive Orders. Joe Biden has amassed a fortune in government service. There is no way he could have made millions unless he was selling influence. He is totally paid for by corrupt people. His executive orders allow him to gives favors to those who own him without getting approval of Congress or the Senate. In other words he is bypassing those we elected and are supposed to represent us to enrich those who own him who will also pass more money into his hands for the service he renders. The Democrat Party has become a crime syndicate and will not rock Joe’s boat because they are getting payoffs as well. Those executive orders are costing us millions in added debt that will bankrupt the country if the Democrats stay in power. If executive orders are banned we will not become victims of corrupts Presidents or corrupt Senators or Congressional Elected Officials.

Second is a Balanced Budget Agreement. Biden and his fellow criminals in the Democrat Party and some Republican enablers, also criminals, have been spending billions of dollars we do not have. We have debts we probably can never repay. I think this is really a planned effort to bankrupt the United States. The Democrat Plan is Marxist Government they hope will come with bankruptcy, keeping them in office for life. Think how much they could steal if they were guaranteed staying in office for life. The Democrats have embraced Marxism as evidenced by their embracing the squad and Bernie Sanders. Marxists are a big part of their “big Tent”. Biden is too senile to know what is happening around him. All his Marxists advisors are calling the shots. Not only does Biden belong in prison but a lot if not most Democrat Office Holders as well. May I remind you that most of the Democrat Congressmen and Senators back the reckless actions of a Corrupt Joe Biden.

The founding Fathers were Honorable and God Fearing Men. They could not conceive of the corruption of Office holders in our time. They relied on Honorable Office Holders impeaching corrupt office holders. Now 40 percent of all Democrats do not believe in God so they thrash our Christian Code of Ethics. I am not aware of any surveys of how many Democrats Office holders believe in God but I suspect it is a lot less than the 40 per cent of Democratic Voters who surveys have indicated do not believe in God. Biden is breaking our laws by allowing millions of illegals to cross our borders. These people are costing us billions of dollars we do not have. We do not know how many are planning on attempting to commit terrorist acts or how many are dangerous criminals. Biden is committing crimes against our citizens. The Republicans cannot impeach him for his illegal acts because the Democrats have enough political power to prevent an impeachment and they, being corrupt, will not take action against fellow criminals. A amendment from the states allowing for the citizens to take direct action to impeach a criminal in the White House would bypass these criminals in House and Senate. I might add it would also bypass some criminals in the Republican Party as well.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.