Chinese Strategy

We recently read an article by Gu Feng a media veteran who spent years writing about China’s political, economic, and social issues. He quoted Mao Zedong , dictator and mass murderer of China, who in 1939 wrote the “the United Front, armed struggle and party building are the secret weapons for defeating the enemy”. The enemy is any country the Chinese Communists do not control. The United Front is using money, women, official positions and reputation enhancement to bribe important people. Has the CCP had any success with its United Front? When Joe Biden took his son, Hunter, to China on the presidential jet son Hunter was able to make some great lucrative business deals. In Hunter’s abandoned lap top he sent e-mails to family members telling them he had to share his windfall with the big guy. Everyone, except Democrats, understood the big guy was Daddy Joe. Someone made the mistake of turning the lap top over to the Justice Dept. By now any incriminating evidence implicating Joe of wrong doing has likely be erased from the computer. Gotta be loyal to the boss. Joe had the experience of becoming a millionaire while serving in public office. It was, of course, not from using his government connections he become rich but because Joe is such a brilliant businessman. And did Mao say women? Did not a member of Congress recently have an affair with a Chinese woman with close ties with the CCP? Enough said!

Then there is the armed struggle. In earlier times poor farmers were encouraged to seize the farms of successful farmers convincing them that successful farmers had done an injustice against them. In the United States we do not have enough farmers so the Communists have changed tactics. They now play the race card. They invented the false narrative, supported by the Democratic Party, that all black people are oppressed by white people. They have people marching in the streets, attacking police, white people. destroying property, looting and setting property on fire while being protected by Democratic Elected officials from being convicted. The Communist Front Groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who they control, are even able to enlist self loathing white people to their cause. There is an abundant supply of useful idiots in this country.

Party building , the infiltrating of the institutions of their enemies has been very effective in the United States. One venerable institution they have been successful in is The Democratic Party. Democrats have embraced Bernie Sanders who is an admirer of Communism although he prefers to use the term Socialism. Bernie works closely with Biden and his Communist Advisors in the White House. Four members of the house, all Democrats, are considered Marxists. Marxist Lies are the driving force in the Democrat Party currently. We think Mao Zedong would be pleased with the progress CCP has made in the Democratic party. How about the Marxist influence in the teacher’s union? They are pushing Critical Race Theory and in some places are demanding they be allowed to teach it as a union bargaining position. Mao would be pleased. If Mao were alive he would be pleasantly surprised he would not have to force the news media to push Communist Propaganda. Most of the news media do it voluntarily.

Gu Fung listed the top ten targets of CCP in the United States:

1. Members of the U.S. Government. The have Bernie Sanders, The Squad, the Democratic Party and Biden’s advisors.

2. American Military Installations. Biden and his Communists Advisors are now having Critical Race Theory taught to the military in an attempt to
divide the military by race.

3. Key members of social influence, churches and industry association. We all know of the repression of news that does not fit the Communist Narrative that is being done by social media. We are all aware of the baseball association pulling the all star game from Atlantic because Georgia passed laws to prevent cheating in balloting. Control of the balloting process and cheating are central to Communists Control. What we do not know is are the people of power inside baseball dedicated Communists or are they just stupid.

4. The leaders of overseas Chinese Associations. Would you be dumb enough to believe these organizations have not been infiltrated?

5. Investors, executives, editors and scientific research organizations. We have learned from the National Basketball Association and Coke that profit from the Chinese market take precedence over what is best for the world.

6. Experts and scholars from universities and scientific research institutions. The CCP gives money to many universities in the U.S, The universities try to keep this quiet because they do not want public criticism for selling influence to CCP .

7.Wall street financial tycoons and financial executives. For profit these people will turn a blind eye to Chinese Slavery and even agree to cooperate in Chinese Censorship of its Citizens.

8. The United Nations and its officials. These officials worked well with China when China suppressed information about the Covid Pandemic.

9. Investors of multinational companies. These investors would not criticize China in order to business in China.

10. The Hollywood film and television industry. This industry has been fully infiltrated by communists.

Is their any institution in the U.S. that has not been infiltrated by the communist movement? So what can we do? We can refuse to buy the product of any of these organizations that promote communism and it would be helpful to send the an e-mail telling them why. Profit is a better motivator than Communism Ideology.

Now the latest is Joe and his communist advisors are working with communist infiltrated social media to suppress “Misinformation” which is understood to be any anti communist information.

Biden has become rich making deals for pay while in public office. He is breaking our immigration laws with no consequences. He is now in conjunction with his party’s communist members trying to destroy our freedoms.
With so many co-conspirators in government to protect him no one has a plan to bring criminal charges against Joe. Someone needs to come forth with a plan to take down this evil regime.

This an opinion blog for conservatives and people of fa