Chinese Sponsored Chaos in the U.S.

One of the tactics of Marxist’s in their attempts to over- throw governments is to create chaos wherever they can. It is not difficult for the Chinese Communist party to create chaos in the United States because they have infiltrated every institution in the United States from elected Democrats to Business Employees to Education to the news media. The CCP also has support from independent Marxists organizations in the United States that have the same goals as the CCP.

An example is the lawlessness and riots caused by Black Lives matter and Antifa all across the U.S. It is likely both organizations take their orders from CCP at worst and at best both organizations work independently for the same goals. Consider how much chaos they caused in our cities with support from Democratic Elected officials. The old tactics for Marxists was class warfare, but since the U.S. is such a prosperous nation dividing people by race seems to work better for them.  

After the Marxists create chaos their job is only half done. Then they have to protect their operatives from being arrested and brought to justice. That is easy for them. They get agreements form Marxist elected officials to order the police to “stand down” while Marxists Criminals are destroying our cities. If the police have to make an arrest, for instance a Marxist is trying to kill a policeman , the government prosecutor will claim insufficient evidence to prosecute.

The Marxist News Media is willing to do their part as well. They love to lie and tell anyone fool enough to watch their broadcasts these people are social justice advocates or peaceful demonstrators often with burning buildings in the background or criminals looting businesses as they tell their lies. What is sad about this is a lot of people are dumb enough to believe these lies. It is amazing that Black Lives Matter and Antifa are able to get what you would expect to be decent people to join in the riots. Lenin liked to call these type of people “useful idiots”.

The chaos at the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021 was interesting. Black Lives Matter Supporters were seen on video encouraging people to burn down the Capitol Building and storm the building. There were accusations some of the instigators were from some of our government agencies. Since the CCP has infiltrated so many of our government institutions this is a believable story. Surely the Marxist Democrats and the Marxists New Media were doing their best for Marxism but labeling the riot at the Capitol as an insurrection. An insurrection without weapons? People who make these accusations are liars.

There has been a lot of chaos in the lives of all of us from lockdowns, requiring masks, shots and social distancing. Was this a part of CCP’s central planning to release the virus from their lab? What was Dr. Fauci’s involvement in funding the Chinese Communist Party’s research which brought about a world wide pandemic? Is he a CCP agent? What about Biden? His son got a sweetheart financial deal with the Chinese. His lost laptop had a letter to family indicating he had to share his wealth with the “Big Guy”. Who else could the big guy be other than Joe Biden? Has Joe been compromised by CCP money? What about the chaos in our lives from runaway inflation? Did that chaos happen as a result of advice from Joe’s Marxist Advisors? Is Joe to senile to understand what is happening?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.