When communism was in full swing in Russia they controlled the Communist Party in the United States which relied on our free speech guarantees for them to exist and support the overthrow of our freedoms. Communism collapsed from its own corruption in Russia and was replace by another evil, a dictatorship without communism. That left The Chinese Communist Party as the driving force to eliminate freedom in the world and replace that with a Marxist Form of Government world wide.
The Chinese are using our own money to destroy this country. The Chinese manufacture goods cheaply and Americans seem to have an unquenchable desire to buy material goods from China sending them billions of dollars. The Chinese know how to use that money. The know that many people will give up their integrity in exchange for wealth. Joe Biden is an excellent case study on how the Chinese use money to buy influence. When Joe as Vice President flew to China under the guise of a political trip it was a family business trip. Joe could not make any business deals in China in his name because it would be to obvious it was unethical. That is why he took his son Hunter with him.
Ten days later according to the New York Post the Chinese
Government issued a business license for Bohai Harvest that Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were trying to launch.. Apparently ten percent of the stock was to be held in the name of Hunter Biden for Joe but the plans were changed to put the shares in the name of Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. Joe has claimed to have no knowledge of his family’s business dealings and if you believe that you get to wear a dunce hat all day. China will not bestow favors on the Biden Family unless they expect payback. We believe these conflicts of interest are detrimental to the United States and Joe Biden should be removed from office.
China is also using our money to buy influence in American Universities. They have made grants to some universities and these grants are being made because the Chinese expect a payback and will get it. According to a Bloomberg analysis 115 Universities in the United States have received money form the Chinese in the past 16 years. If you believe the Chinese are giving the money because they are such nice people you are a fool.
The United States is in grave peril with Joe Biden as President. The Marxists in the United States have gotten a lot smarter than the Russian Communists who had a separate party to do their evil. The Chinese Communists have merged with the Democratic Party who is now doing their bidding. The Democrat Party has not yet changed its party name to the Marxist Democrat Party but they are being driven
by a Marxist Agenda.
It is amazing how quickly the Marxists are taking over. When we had Barack Obama, a President who admitted his favorite professor was a Marxist, he laid a lot of ground work for a Marxist takeover. Now Joe Biden has many of Obama’s staff trying to complete a fundamental change in the United States to a Marxist Dictatorship.
As the people in the United States continue to turn away from God more people are willing to embrace the Godless concepts of Marxism. Jesus never forced people to do anything. The opposite is Marxism, Satan’s Plan, where people are forced to embrace being controlled by people who want power over our lives and whose goals are to take away our freedoms. The Marxists after merging with the Democrat Party are making great strides by also working with their allies in the news media, big business monopolies, social media and radical college campuses.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Your comments are welcome.