Two of the things that cause so much abuse and evil in the world is lust for power and lust for wealth. Adolf Hitler wanted to be Furrier of the world and caused massive suffering on millions pursuing his evil designs. That explains communism. A small group of people control every aspect of the lives of the majority. Once they get in power they use the power of the military or police to force the majority to do their will. Anyone who challenges their authority will disappear, be killed, beaten or be sent to re-education camps where they will endure psychological abuse to be brought into submission.
Some of these communist tactics are used in the United States with some adaption. Leftist infiltrators in our government have gained enough power to make Sensitivity training mandatory for government workers. In sensitivity training the communist inspired ideology that white people are racist and non-whites are the victims, a tactic to pit whites against non- whites to foment dissension is promulgated. Even judges have gotten into the act by making attendance at sensitivity training a part of their sentencing.
It is estimated that up to two million people are in re-education camps in China. Radicals in the U.S. would love to extend sensitivity training to re-education camps where citizens would be forced to accept communist ideology. There are many radical organizations in the U.S. who take orders from the Chinese Communist Party. Others are independent but working on the same goals as the CPP.
A report entitled Three Warfares of China by Andy Marshall, Director of the Office of Net Assessments of the Office of the Secretary of Defense can be read on line. These non-combat wars are designed to help China conquer the world. One of the warfares is known as Public Opinion Warfare. It is “constant on going activity aimed at media influencing perceptions and attitudes, media leveraging all instruments that inform and influence public opinion including film, television programs, news agencies, the internet and the global media network.”
How does the CCP do these things? They can have their own agents infiltrate news organizations and use their influence to get other CCP agents employed or other like minded communists. The film industry is well known for promoting leftist dogma and even trying to silence those in the film industry who reject communist ideology. The CCP has many allies in the film industry.

The big social media companies are another fertile field for the CCP. The social media has hordes of Marxists silencing anyone who challenges communist dogma by shutting them down on social media and calling their ideas misinformation.
CCP is giving loans to poor nations they know cannot repay the loans. They have deals to own whatever they are making loans for when the countries cannot repay the loans. Then the CCP can send their agents to these countries to bride and influence government officials. The CCP has control over a lot of what is happening in this country. From family businesses making money in China to an expensive diamond ring for Joe Biden, we think Joe has been compromised.
The CCP is giving a lot of money to American Universities expecting favorable affection from educators and getting it. The educators will sell their souls for money. Then there is the Disney and the Basketball pros who will put China in a favorable light in exchange for money. The same goes for American Businesses who make money in China. They will also trade their souls for money and never criticize China for wrong doing. What can be done to stop China, with all the help traitors in the U.S. are giving them, from dominating the world? Do not expect politicians, government bureaucrats, media leaders, entertainment executives, or business executives to lead they way. Many of them want the wealth through bribes or income from that comes from being subservient to the CCP will bring.
We need to remember how quickly the communists took control of a prosperous Venezuela and made it into a communist cesspool. Could a communist takeover happen in the U.S.? You bet it could if we elect another Joe Biden. I realize it might be difficult because people in the U.S. own a lot of guns. But look how easy it was for power hungry politicians to guide sheep like citizens to wear masks and stay home by making them think they would die if they did not. An order to turn in our guns will likely be a sheep herding experience for Marxists.
Patriotic Americans need to take action. Vote out of public office those who are subservient to the CCP. Boycott products of woke corporations. Write to elected officials when they commit Chinese crimes or before they do. We who love the United States and support freedom need to take the Chinese Communist Party’s design on world dominance seriously. We need to stop treating China as an honored guest and treat them like the evil enemy they are. We should ramp up our criticism of their human rights abuses. Instead of our refusing to buy goods made in slave labor areas of China we should apply that tactic to all of their exports. China is using money form the U.S. to fund their evil designs for world dominion. We should stop trading with China denying the beast money to use for world dominion. As Donald Trump so famously said, “we can win a trade war with China”. There are other nations where we can buy the cheap goods that we crave. We should advocate for independence for Hong Kong and Tibet. We need some quick strike basses near China to threaten them with destruction like the are doing to other nations.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith and does not reflect the views of the CCP.