China and the United States. Two nations in Decline

People often talk about competition between the United States and China. The question is always raised about when China will overtake the United States as the economic powerhouse of the world. They are asking the wrong question. The real question is which country will implode first in their race to the bottom.

First let us talk about the United States in their race to the bottom. The Democrat Party managed to get power in the Presidency, the House and the Senate two years ago. It is alleged they were able to win by flooding ballot boxes with unverifiable mail in votes. They were able to block most investigations of wrongdoing because they controlled the areas where most of the questionable ballots were cast. They also had the help of their “right arm”, most of the news media, who relentlessly attacked anyone who questioned the results. A very large percentage of the public were convinced the results of the election were doubtful for good reason.

Whether the elections results were accurate or not, having the Democrats with that much power was devastating to the United States. Research has shown that 40 per cent of Democrats do not believe in God. It is likely that the majority of Democrats who hold public office do not believe in God. Why do I say that? In these modern times it appears that most people who run for office are there to get power and enrich themselves. Certainly the action of the Democrats in the first years of the Biden Regime did not reflect people who do unto others as they would like others to do to them. The things they did were not indicative of individuals who had our best interests in mind.

We have a huge national debt in the United States. Many have questioned whether we have the ability to pay it off and meet future obligations. Every child born in this country this year starts off with a debt of $94,064. What is the Democrats response to this situation? They want to spend even more. Social Security is scheduled to go bankrupt in a few years. How do the Democrats deal with this? They do nothing. They accused the Republicans of wanting to do away with Social Security, another Democratic Party lie. Do they think telling lies will solve the problem?

Democrats backed these huge spending bills 100 percent. That is one reason having Democrats in office is bad for the country. What are the results of Democrats spending like a drunken sailor? We did not have the cash to pay for the bills of the spendthrift Democrats so the Fed printed more money. We have all felt the impact of that since it caused runaway inflation. Are you enjoying spending more money for everything while your wages have stayed constant?

How about the prices you are paying for gasoline and gas for cooking and heating. This is a result of the Biden Regime’s push for the radical leftist “Green Agenda”. Is the Green Agenda designed to give the federal government control of all energy resources or is it designed to destroy the economy of the United States. Either way having democrats in control is not a blessing.

Now let us talk about China, our competitor in the race for the bottom. Marxism is a system where people who want to control your lives and enrich themselves lie to the people thy want to exploit by telling them they are protecting them from Capitalists exploiting them. The Marxists are always paranoid because they fear losing power and wealth. Because they are paranoid they trust no one and control every aspect of the lives of those they are exploiting. They also have a system to spy on everyone since no one can be trusted. This system of control stifles creativity which is one one reason the Chinese do so much stealing of technology from the west.

They do central planning because only the “leaders” can be trusted. When you omit the input of people in the field it makes for a very inefficient system which is what Marxism is. It is also very similar to what the Democrats hope for in the United States. Case in point is the Center for Disease Control which is a top down federal bureaucracy which seeks to stifle any input from anyone out of their inner circle. When that happens you usually get lies and distortions from them. Recent news revelations seem to indicate that is the case.

The Chinese Marxists dabble in Capitalist Practices for a while until they feel threatened and then make rules that kill the successes of the Capitalist practices. They have been even more reckless than the Democrats in spending to buy influence. The Chinese Communists are also nearing bankruptcy. Through central planning the “great leaders” some time ago decided to limit the number of children each family should have. Now they do not have enough young people for an adequate work force or enough to support their aging population.

So we have two countries heading for a crash at rock bottom because of incompetent or self serving decisions, the Communists in China and the Democrats in the United States. Both countries are on a collusion course with rock bottom. Both will implode but which one will it happen to first? If I were a betting man I would bet the Uhited States implodes first. That will be bad news for the Chinese because the Biden Regime will not be able to bail them out. As you know Joe always says we need a rising China. I am not sure why. Maybe to keep the millions in Chinese money flowing to the Biden Family intact.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Biden Regime.