President, the Pleaser. Should not that make the citizens of the U.S. get excited. Well we would be if Biden wanted to please the citizens of the united States, but he wants to please people from other nations. What has Blundering Joe done lately to please our enemies? Well, the Russians are making war against […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
What Can Save the United States
What Can Save the United States The United States is like a human ravaged with cancer whose recovery looks hopeless. What are some of these cancers that are destroying the country? One is the destruction of the family, the basic unit in our society. When we have a mother and father who love and care […]
Radical Left Influence in the United States
Radical leftists have infiltrated every institution in our nation. Some are bought and paid for by our own money which goes to buy Chinese goods. The Chinese use some of that money to do cyber theft of our technology, to steal private information on our citizens, to bully smaller countries and to buy influence from […]
Therapy for People Jilted by a Lover
Therapy for People Jilted By a Lover Recently the Virginia Beach, Va. Aquarium did a therapy fund raiser for people who had been jilted by a lover. For $5 the jiltee could have a bug named after the jilter and watch on line as an aquarium employee fed the bug to a turtle. For those […]
We Need a State Constitutional Convention
A rally, called Rally in Tally, was recently held in Florida. The purpose was to urge legislators and citizens to support a convention of states. This is a process under the Constitution where states can propose amendments to the Constitution.. There are other amendments to the constitution passed by congress but none passed by a […]
In a Free Society Do the Majority Usually Choose to Do Good?
In a Free Society Do the Majority Usually Choose to Do Good? It has been said that the majority of the people, if they have a choice, will chose to do good most of the time. You would think that might be true considering how unpopular the Biden Regime is currently with a majority of […]
When Cancer Comes Calling
When Cancer Comes Calling Cancer comes in the life of nearly everyone at some point. We are either diagnosed with it or a loved one is. In times past a diagnosis of cancer was tantamount to an impending death sentence. When my father was diagnosed with colon cancer 45 years ago chance of survival was […]
How American Institutions are Helping Communist China Destroy the U.S.
Many years ago our Economics Professor told our class that Karl Marx was brilliant. She never mentioned the abuse he heaped on the Russian People. Did she consider Hitler brilliant? Both he and Karl Marx are credited for being the cause of the death of millions. College Professors love to tell their students of the […]
Can the United States be Saved from the Biden regime?
Now that Joe Biden has been president for two years let us look on what his regime has brought to the people of the United States. One of Joe’s first acts was to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline, which was helping the U.S. remain energy independent. This malicious act was not only detrimental to the […]
People of Virginia vs. the Communists
The Democratic party masquerading as the party of the people won the top three offices in the state of Virginia in 2014 and held on to those offices until the election of 2021. During that time the state government turned radically left. Here is what they delivered to the State of Virginia. Working with radical […]