Vladimir Putin, the dictator of Russian, who prefers the title of President, apparently has delusions of grandeur. He apparently wants to be a dictator of the world. His plan apparently is to invade smaller nations with the consent of the free world until has conquered every nation. When he tested his plan by annexation of […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Hold Your Horses, Donald Trump
There is an old saying in the United States, Hold your horses. No one seems to know the origin of the saying. When I was a child my father used to borrow mules from his uncle, a farmer, to plow our large garden. He would load up a wagon with a plow and disk in […]
Exciting Things We Hope for in 2025
After all we suffered under the Communist Puppet Joe Biden the bar for Donald Trump is not very high. We are hoping Trump will set the bar high and restore the United States into a nation of freedom, competence and prosperity. First order should be to close our borders to invaders from other lands. Then […]
How to Destroy China
The majority of the people in the United States rejoiced when the evil Biden regime was dumped by the voters. Joe Biden’s family businesses received millions from China and other sworn enemies of the United States in exchange for Biden being their puppet. Nearly everything the Biden Regime did was detrimental to the United States. […]
Wars and Rumors of Wars
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 24, in the Bible has this passage concerning the Latter Days. Verse 6 says, “And you shall here of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” I take it to mean, the […]
Trump’s Mandate
Donald Trump received a mandate from the people of the United States in last month’s election to get rid of corruption, incompetence and waste in our government. This sounds like an impossible task. Even Superman would likely approach this challenge with fear and trembling. Superman used to fight for truth, justice and the American Way. […]
The New Sheriff in the United States
In the western expansion of the United States most towns usually had a paid lawman called a sheriff to deal with lawbreakers. If a new sheriff was chosen who had little patience with wrong doers, word got to troublemakers that a new sheriff was in town, and they better get out of town. The United […]
Thanksgiving, An Exclusive United States National Holiday
On December 4, 1619 the English held the first Thanksgiving in what was to become the United States. A group of colonists under the direction of Captain Woodlief representing the Berkely Company arrived in what is now the State of Virginia to a place designated as Berkely Hundred. Instructions given to Captain Woodlief were that […]
Wish List for a New Presidency in the United States
The Presidential Race is finally over with President Trump delivering a landslide victory over Kamala Harris. It has been said that the majority of the people will usually do what is right. The people of the United States have been abused by four years of the Biden-Harris regime. I do not believe it was because […]
How Secure Will the 2024 Elections Be?
On November 5, 2024 millions of Citizens of the U.S. and an unknown number of non citizens will be voting for the new President of the United States. Why do I say non citizens will be voting? Because they will. Some states send ballots to anyone who gets a driver’s license and some states give […]