Can You Trust the Government?

When Moses was leading the Children of Israel back to the promised land he gave the people ten commandments he received from God. These commandments were given to have order in their society and to bring happiness to them.

1.You shall have no other Gods before me.

2.You shall not make idols.

3.You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

4.Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy.

5. Honor your father and mother.

6.You shall not murder.

7.You shall not commit adultery.

8.You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet.

Jesus was once asked, what was the greatest commandment. His answer not only included the greatest commandment but also the second greatest commandment. He said the greatest commandment was to love God with all our heart and the second was like unto it, and that was to love our neighbor as ourself. What is the significance of what Jesus said? If we love God, we will do his will and that means keeping His Commandments. If we keep His Commandments we will be safe from the bitter consequences that come when people disobey God. If we treat others as we would want to be treated everyone would be safe from abuse and would be helped when they suffer from trials in life. Even evil people would likely agree that these things would make an ideal world.

The scriptures teach us that in the last days preceding the second coming of Jesus to the earth there will be many people doing evil. We are talking about people not obeying the commandments of God. One of the places this is manifested is in government. We are all familiar of the exposure of wrong doing in government. The poster child seems to be Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor the President of the United States. By now everyone is familiar with the lies he and his associates in the Center for Disease Control told the public. The public is also aware of his collusion with the media in suppressing any dissent from his official dogma. The federal law enforcement agencies have lost the confidence of the citizens. They had evidence of wrong doing on the part of Joe Biden and kept it secret.

Joe Biden has become a multi-millionaire serving in public office. Most people according to surveys I have read about think Joe is involved in something illegal. The only people defending Joe are the corrupt mews media, the corrupt Democratic Party and those who profit from illegal conduct of the Biden Regime.  What will happen in the Biden impeachment inquiries? Likely Joe will be impeached. Then what? The Democrats are so corrupt they will vote not to impeach Joe regardless of the evidence that will be presented. Corrupt people in high places have their supporters in high places as well. The Democrats feel confident they can manufacture enough unverifiable mail in ballots and harvested ballots to return Biden to the White House. Joe and his Communist Advisors have been trying to destroy the United States for three years. Can they accomplish their goal in four more years?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.