Can We Make the United States a Great Nation Again?

Can We make the United States a Great Nation Again?

If the Republicans take the House, which most people expect them to do, in the coming November election that will be a mandate from the citizens to change the direction of the horrible Biden Regime. If the Republicans can flip the Senate that will give them the power to take down the Marxist/Democrat Regime currently in power as a result of the most fraudulent voting process in history .  And can we hope for a Republican President two years hence? 

These three victories will be a challenge after all the voting fraud that happened in the last election. The Democrats outsmarted the Republicans by bringing in millions of mail in votes that could not be verified as legitimate, ballot harvesting with no way to determine if the votes were valid, ballot counting machines that were protected from audits, ballot counting in the middle of the night after poll watchers were sent home, poll watchers who were kept in an area where they could not observe wrongdoing, voting rolls that were not purged of dead people or people who had moved, people showing up to vote only to be told they had already voted, more votes coming in in some areas then registered voters,  ballots that suddenly appeared at the last hour and even votes counted in violation of state laws that appeared after the legal deadline and a Trump lead that miraculously disappeared overnight while the citizens slept. You can expect these same things to happen this November with some new fraud schemes that are not anticipated

You know what happened when people questioned these fraudulent practices. The Democrats and their left arm surrogates, the media, went on a verbal assault against anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the outcome of the election. Even leftist Judges dismissed most of the suits concerning voter fraud.

What should we voters demand of the Republicans Office Holders if we can overcome voter fraud and win? Here as some things I think we should insist on:

Term limits for all federally elected officials. Joe Biden is the perfect poster boy for why we need term limits. First Joe is now too senile to lead and we really do not know who is running the Office of President. Second the founding fathers envisioned office holders who served because of their love of country or their fellow man. Joe appears to be serving for money. How does one become a millionaire in public service? Joe probably will not tell you. If he did he might be indicted. Surely you do think Joe became a millionaire because he is a shrewd investor. And what about son Hunter tagging along on Air Force one and making deals in foreign lands including China our number one enemy who is hoping to destroy us. Most of us recognizes China as an enemy but Joe said we need a rising China. Why? Hunter told his family on e-mails in his lost laptop he had to give the big guy part of his take. Who is the big guy? Has Joe been compromised?

A balanced budget amendment. Most states not named California have one. That would prevent Democrats from spending huge amounts that exceed taxes coming in. This is what is happening currently with too mulch money and too little supply causing massive inflation. Also the Democrats are borrowing money we most likely will not be able to repay.

A policy for energy independence. We achieved that under Trump and the Democrats destroyed that with global warming ideology politics that are more concerned about controlling our citizens than protecting the environment.

Overhauling Social Security. A little backbone is needed by the Republicans on this. This was a Democratic Ponzi Scheme that is no longer workable because the number retired is growing faster than the workers who pay for it. Social Security has been on a collision course with the iceberg for years. Anytime anyone mentions reforming Social Security the Democrats start screaming they are trying to do away with Social Security . The Republicans are afraid the citizens will believe Democratic lies and vote against them. The republicans need to tell the people the truth. Social Security as it is presently will fail and it needs to be reformed now.

Make white people a protected minority. Allow them to make federal complaints when they are abused by radical leftists using terms such as white privilege, whiteness, crackers, whitey, white supremacists, oppressors, racists, bigot, white rage and white fragility.

Allow people who feel they are discriminated against by social media to file suit in federal court. The news media and social media have entered into an Unholy alliance with the Democrats to suppress free speech and to prevent access to violate our right of free speech.

Make it a national policy to put the well being of our citizens above that of foreigners. Some Business and political leaders put China first for money.

A bill of rights for college students. College Professors and Administrators are predominately leftist and often abuse and encourage abuse against religious or conservative students. Make students an oppressed minority giving them a right to government intervention when they are discriminated against. Make colleges who do not give equal opportunity in hiring to Conservatives or People of Faith ineligible  for government funding.

Impeach Joe Biden for either breaking our immigration laws or being mentally incapable of performing the duties of the Office of president. The Democrat Majority has been indifferent to these issues.

You probably have other priorities. I would love to hear them.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.