Can the United States be Saved from the Biden regime?

Now that Joe Biden has been president for two years let us look on what his regime has brought to the people of the United States. One of Joe’s first acts was to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline, which was helping the U.S. remain energy independent. This malicious act was not only detrimental to the U.S. economy but it caused a huge rise in oil prices and we had to import more oil. Our main form of transportation is with internal combustion engines. Citizens have had to pay high prices for gas making it difficult to afford other necessities. Since so many of our goods are delivered by truck these goods have increased in price to cover the cost of gas to deliver them. Thanks to Joe the costs of everything has gone up, which is called inflation. Joe claims this inflation is temporary. So what? What right did he have to cause this burden to come upon the people by his reckless actions?After the Democrats, and their allies in the radical news agencies spent four years attacking Donald Trump and conservatives, Joe Biden promised he was going to unify the nation. How is that working out? With the Democrats and their allies in the radical left news media attacking anyone who’s views conflict with the radical left viewpoint, along with their radical left partners in social media banning non radical left opinion, which they call misinformation, we have to say the unification has been a farce. Biden is trying to make a nuclear deal with Iran. These are the people who lie and cheat. Is not this like trying to make a deal with the Devil? What is Biden’s plan? If they promise not to cheat we will promise not to look? Sounds like Obama’s don’t ask don’t tell for the military.

China is trying to destroy the U.S. Biden rarely criticizes China. Surprisingly he wants to ban imports from sections on China where slave labor is alleged to exist. What a great idea! Everyone in China is a slave to the state. Biden probably makes too much money from his families’ businesses in China to care what the Chinese do.

Biden made a mess of handling the Covid debacle. His administration has suppressed discussions about Covid origins probably to avoid embarrassing his friends in China. His beloved Dr Fauci has been caught lying about U.S. tax dollars supporting the Wuhan lab where the Covid virus is believed to have originated. Biden’s Administration has been suppressing our freedoms in the guise of controlling covid. Biden has been breaking the law allowing anyone who shows up at our borders entrance into the United States. Millions of unvetted people have come in. We do not know how many of these people are criminals, cartel members or terrorists. We do not know how many of these people have Covid. All of these people are on the public dole burdening the citizens of the U.S. with supporting them , probably for a long time. Then there are the drugs the cartels are sending into the U.S. with these illegals killing thousands of our citizens. There is blood on Biden’s hands. Biden is a criminal who needs to be in jail. No one seems to know how to take him down legally.

Biden’s spending bills are bankrupting the U.S. Not having a plan for paying these bills further increases our huge national debt. Biden lies by saying these spending bills will cost us nothing. As he is borrowing money and pouring it into the economy inflation is higher than it has been in years. Everyone is feeling that hidden tax in their paycheck as the price of everything is going up rapidly. An of course our national debt is growing. The radical left is not concerned about the national debt. They figure if they can flip the U.S. to communism they can cancel the national debt.

Then there is the Biden retreat from Afghanistan. He left billions in military equipment to a terrorist organization. He made the U.S. the laughing stock of the world when the country with the mightiest armed force in the world retreated when a few guys showed up in pickup trucks with guns.

In addition to all the abuse we have been suffering Biden is now attempting to federalize our elections. Perhaps he has noted how efficiently the communists have been able to get the “right kind of vote” in. The mayor of New York is giving illegal aliens the right to vote. It is highly likely Biden and his communist advisors plan to give the millions of illegals in the U.S. the right to vote. The theory is uneducated immigrants will always vote Democratic. One of the provisions of Biden’s “steal the vote” bill is no requirement for a “voter” to identify himself. That way Democrats can flood the polling places with people not eligible to vote or who died years ago. What a great opportunity for people to vote several times. Do we need to point out that nearly all the Democrat office holders support this crime against the people of the United States?

Then there is the senility of Joe Biden. The Democratic National Committee knew about this when they nominated Joe Biden to run for president but criminally hid these facts from the citizens. That is why they kept Joe out of the public as much as possible and do not let him answer questions currently. Joe and his communist advisors and the Marxist leaning Democratic office holders have been trying to destroy this republic for two years. Could they complete the job is the next two years? We have some of the smartest people in the world among our citizens. Where are the people who know how to legally take down Biden and his communist supporters and save the United States.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.