Can Every Problem Be Solved With a Pill?

According to the source of all knowledge, the internet, man is plagued with 450 types of mental health issues and 26,000 physical illnesses. With all those maladies do we even want to be on planet Earth? With 450 mental health issues it is likely all of us suffer at least a dozen mental health issues and are in need of treatment. And just thinking about 26,000 physical illnesses could cause depression which is a mental health issue.

For those of us suffering from tired blood, brain fog, low energy, erectile dysfunction, low libido, Trump Derangement Syndrome, restless legs, being ugly. being stupid, sore feet, aching knees, low back pain, being paranoid, neuroticism, being shy, being aggressive, gender confusion, loneliness and many other ailments is there no balm in Gilead?

My wife is always out serving charitable organizations, her church and friends who need someone to talk to. I once confided in a Physican Friend that I felt like I was married to a missing person and asked if he had a pill that would make her stay home. He said if he had a pill like that he would be giving it to his own wife. So it sounds like I am not the only one having that issue.

In the early days of the settlement of the Americas some people were trying to find a fabled fountain of youth. If you watch TV often you might get a feeling that every ailment you get can be cured by a pill. So a pill instead of a fountain seems to be the key to felling energetic, youthful, and pain free. In the early days of our country medicine men traveled from town to town peddling pills that cured nearly every ailment know to man. The result was the medicine men made a lot of money and those who bought the pills were still sick.

So presumably one might watch tv and make a list of all their ailments and order a pill to cure each one. The problem is unless you are rich you could not afford all the pills required to make you whole again with all the mental and physical issues we have. Man has invented many marvelous things to help us do our work, cure our ailments and make our lives comfortable. Would it not be wonderful if we had an affordable pill to cure all our ills

So far Jesus is the only person who has been able to cure every disease known to man and he is not on earth right now. So until Jesus returns or a pill is invented to cure all my ills I will keep my money in my pocket. I feel better already.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.