Can Black Lives Matter and Antifa overthrow the Government of the United States?

Black lives matter and Antifa are Marxist organizations which have the same goals. They want to overthrow the government and replace it with a Marxist Dictatorship that controls every aspect of our lives. These evil people see themselves as the ones who would be in positions of power to control other people’s lives and of course to enrich themselves since they would have power to steal what others have.

It has been said that most people when they get power or authority will immediately exercise unrighteous dominion over others. This is what you would get if BLM and Antifa gained power.  You will recall from reading the scriptures of Satan’s attempts to deter Jesus from his mission. He presented three temptations that lead people away from God. One was he promised kingdoms [power] to Jesus if he would worship him. He also promised great wealth if Jesus would worship him. These are the two biggest motivators of BLM and Antifa Mob, control over others and being in a position to enrich themselves.

The third temptation was physical desires. In the scriptures it was Jesus being tempted to make bread from stones to quench his hunger after a prolonged fast. In our worldly setting physical desires are often manifested with people having sexual desires for someone they are not married to. But this discussion is about desire for power and enrichment with worldly things.

BLM and Antifa followers make up such a small percentage of the population you may ask how they could possibly overthrow the government. The United States is currently a laboratory to show it is possible. If BLM and Antifa told the truth and advised everyone their goals were to overthrow our government and institutions they would suddenly have no support from the citizens. So they had to invent the narrative that they are fighting for social justice. Everyone wants social justice don’t they?

People will ignorantly go out and join their riots without researching what BLM and Antifa are trying to accomplish or even realize how damaging to society these riots they are participating in are to freedom. Then they will go into a self denial mode by claiming to be part of a peaceful demonstration. Remember the communists in Russia were a small percentage of the population in Russia when they toppled the government. The reason they succeed was they were able to dupe people into supporting them with their fake claim of justice for all. Nowadays it is called social justice. Lenin of Russian was very appreciative of people who supported his violent overthrow of the government of Russia affectionally calling them useful idiots. Once Lenin succeeded in his evil plans to gain power he had some of his useful idiots murdered because he didn’t trust them. He also had many other people murdered as part of his “social Justice “ reforms.

If BLM and Antifa really cared about Black People they would be in Black Neighborhoods working to stop the black on black violence that claims the lives of thousands of our black citizens each year. Even fools should recognize that black on black violence that takes the lives of thousands of black people each year is one of the most serious issues facing our black citizens.

The BLM and Antifa Mobs have many willing allies in elected officials.  In Richmond, Virginia during the destructive riots there Mayor Stoney took up a bull horn to encourage the rioters. All over our land evil politicians have promoted and protected rioters by attending their riots and keeping police from enforcing the laws and having charges dropped against the evil people in the unlikely possibility they get arrested. BLM and Antifa are even getting financial support from businesses that own their wealth to operating in a free economy. BLM and Antifa are also being promoted by the radical press who would lose their right to free expression if we had a Marxist Society.

You would wonder how people would be ignorant enough to support BLM and Antifa’s evil designs to overthrow our government and become slaves to the state. For elected officials they see themselves as being able to retain power with support from these groups. Also with no free press or anyone to criticize government officials they would be free to steal what they wanted.

What about journalists? They were taught the theories of Karl Marx in college without being told they don’t work in actual practice. During the riots in Richmond ,Virginia, Richmond times dispatch reporters were absolutely giddy over the destruction of property the rioters were committing calling them peaceful protesters and social reformers. Whenever any group gets absolute power you have Communist Russia, China, Cuba or North Korea. Some people are naïve enough to think, in spite of historical evidence, somehow a new try at communism will produce positive results.

What about people of means who contrib             ute money to the evil ones. They likely think they will be allowed to continue earning wealth and work unseemly deals in secret to preserve their wealth. So even though BLM and Antifa are small minorities they have a lot of support from corrupt people of influence who will help them if they see gain for themselves in doing so.

Seattle is a good laboratory example of what will happen to our country id BLM and Antifa are not brought to justice. BLM are Antifa are threats to our freedoms, out families, our religion and our society. Few Americans support these forces of evil. If we do nothing they will soon have control over our lives.   We the people should remove corrupt politicians from officer and write letters to elected officials demanding they take stands against these forces of evil. We should also refuse to support business that contribute to evil groups and write businesses telling them you will no longer buy their products. Also tune out media that supports evil people trying to destroy our country.

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