Breaking the China Addiction

The goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to take control of the United States and the world by any means possible, to use a phrase popular with the Never Trumpers. . The only way to do this is to infiltrate all our institutions with people in power who are loyal to them or at least to the false teachings of Karl Marx. I have doubts that China could even come close to winning against the US military. But having said this it is likely the Chinese also realize the same and know they have to have traitors in place in the United States to enable them to take over our country without a war. With Biden in power they may decide to attack the United States since he would probably do nothing as missiles are sent toward the U.S.

How are the Chinese doing with plan B? Very well. We know how they have taken over most of higher education. Most of the so called educators are banning free speech on their campuses unless that speech supports radical left theology. With administration support radical students prevent any campus speakers from delivering any ideas contrary to Marxism. Professors ridicule students who have religious views or have views supporting the freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights. How do we combat the radical left’s control over higher education. One way is to starve the education establishment of money. Graduates of institutions who have turned left should not contribute money to these institutions. We should enforce freedom of speech on campuses by turning off federal support to those institutions that suppress freedom of speech. Write letters to your representatives in Congress and the Senate demanding that this be done. Nearly all of the People in higher Education are Democrats which is not the case in the general population. Half the population does not have a voice in college education. This requires grass roots efforts in the states to correct. We the people need to write letters to our state representatives demanding a voice in college education.

There is now a push from the radical left to take control on education in K-12. Their associates in school Boards all across the United States are pushing their Critical Race Theory, sexual deviancy theories and other radical left teachings to destroy families working closely with teachers unions which are now headed by radical leftists. Parents are fighting back all over the country even recalling some of these leftist propagandists. All parents of school age children need to be involved to stop these radicals.

China takes in billions each year from selling goods to the US. and then using that money to attempt to weaken the United States. It is time for us to find other suppliers and this should be from countries that do not hate us or want to destroy us. We need to have a policy to prevent China from having great amounts of money coming in so they cannot afford to buy off people in power in this country or work with their agents or sympathizers to propagandize us.

We have many people in federal government agencies under Biden who are very pro China. Dr. Fauci, who just retired, was trying to protect China by ridiculing any notion that the China Virus came from the Hunan Lab while evidence indicates it likely did. General Miley even admitted he told his counterpart in China that he would warn him if the United States planned a secret attack on China. What these two people did was treason. These people should not be in government employment but Biden protects them. Why? I have always heard not to bit the hand that feeds you. The Biden Crime Family rakes in millions from China each year. If China can buy up the President of the United States they have smooth sailing to destroy us.

Communist China has great relations with the Communist News Media often called the mainstream news media. They often support propaganda like Trump colluded with the Russians even when there was no evidence that this happened. Our laws need to be changed so news reporters can go to prison when they knowingly report falsely on things they know are not true. Prison time would discourage the fraud they are perpetuating.

Our justice Department and FBI have become a tool of the corrupt Biden Regime. These agencies need to be either pared down or disbanded. All the corrupt members should be fired. The most important thing we can do is fire Joe Biden and all the Communists who work with him. The Democrats in the house and Senate are usually unanimous in support of Biden and his corruption. They need to go as well.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.