Boycott China!!!

Boycott China!!!

Vladimir Lenin, one of the world’s most evil men, and early organizer of Marxism is often said to have coined the words “useful idiots”. From what I have read it is questionable who actually coined the words “useful idiot”.  Marxists have perfected using useful idiots to accomplish their goals so it is not surprising that many associate the term with Lenin.  A useful idiot is someone who supports a cause without having a clue what the real goals of the movement are. A good example is Black Lives Matter. This organization claims to be a social justice movement when it is a communist front organization. Communists try to destroy Democracies by pitting economic classes against one another. Remember how vocal the Democrats are about the “rich paying their share of taxes”? Comrade Biden expressed that sentiment recently. Their fair share in Democrat terms is taking all their hard earned money and giving it to the Democrats so they can buy votes. Black Lives Matter changed their emphasis from pitting economic classes against each other to pitting races against one another and trashing our cities with the Democrat Leaders cheering them on.

Black Lives Matter received a lot of money from useful idiots to continue their mission of destroying the United States. In recent months we have received revelations of how Black Lives Matter is spending some of the woke money.  One of the BLM leaders has bought some expensive houses for herself so reports the news media. Will that dry up money from useful idiots? Probably not. Useful idiots are given that title for a reason. One thing for sure, the money taken in by BLM does not go to help Black People unless you consider trashing their neighborhoods a benefit to them.

While we are on the subject of useful idiots let’s talk about Joe Biden. Joe Biden has done all he can to destroy the United States by using Marxist inspired ideology and enforcing it with executive orders. If we can believe the polls 40 per cent of the people think Joe is doing a good job. Have 40 per cent of our citizens gone beyond being useful idiots and become useless idiots?

As everyone knows Marxist leaders are not interested in equality for the masses but insuring themselves a good income and power. The goal of Marxism is world dominion. They do not keep this a secret. Russia was once the leader in seeking world dominion. Once Russian Communism collapsed China took over that role. The Chinese are active throughout the world in their quest for world dominion. In third world countries they make loans to countries they know will not repay. They have agreements with those countries to take over whatever the loan is for if payment is not made. Suddenly that country has hundreds of “Chinese Managers”. Once the Chinese get in they can get control over government and have a puppet government and China is one more county closer to world dominion.

The Chinese are also very active in the U.S. They find people here who will sell our secrets for money. Many of the Chinese Nationals in the U.S. are also serving as spies. The Chinese set up propaganda schools on our nations campuses openly supported by the educational establishment. They are called Confucius Institutes which you can google. You can read propaganda supporting them or you can learn their main purpose.

The Chinese Communists will allow American Businesses into China as long as they play by Chinese Rules which include not criticizing them for abusing their citizens, following their censorship guides and even helping them spy on their own citizens. American Companies must also share their trade secrets with the Chinese. There are many American Businesses that will willingly agree to these terms as long as they can make money in China. They will sell their souls for money. It has been said that Marxism is about domination, repression, indoctrination, conformity and compliance.

In a recent article by Frank A. Yang he stated, “China dumps cheap products in foreign markets, providing excessive government subsidies to Chinese Companies helping them gain a larger market share. They also steal American Intellectual Property estimated in 2017 to be between $25 and $600 billion.  Before we buy anything look on the package to see if it is made in China. If it is, throw it back. Starve the beast that is trying to take over the world and take away your freedoms. You would not invite someone into your home who was planning to destroy you family’s way of life would you? Then why invite The Chinese Communists into the United States?

 Also Mr. Yang pointed out that local and state governments give Chinese Businesses subsidies which are believed to be about 1.7 billion since 2010 to bring businesses to the U.S. His article also stated that the Washington Post, after claiming for so long that accusations against the Biden Family of questionable business practices was Russian propaganda reversed field. They now agree that Hunter Biden’s laptop indicate the Biden Family Entities received $4.8 million from Chinese Interests.

Do you think now is the time to boycott everything Chinese? If our news media, government elected officials, government bureaucrats, business leaders and the education establishment is either bought off or indifferent should not this be the time for you to uphold freedom?

All the evil the Chinese Communists are doing requires money. And where do they get that money? Most of it comes from the United States for things manufactured in China. We the people of the U.S. can do what most of our institutions are unwilling to do and that is to take down a country that wants to destroy us. They way to do that is to cut off their money supply. We all need to join in a nationwide boycott of Chinese Goods.

Until Joe Biden issues an executive order prohibiting the designation of where things are manufactured to protect his cash flow we can be effective.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.