Biden’s new Misinformation Board

Elon Musk has called for an investigation of left wing groups that are calling for large companies in the U.S. to boycott twitter if they sell to him. In plain English these groups are concerned that free speech will expose their communist conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Some left wing groups are said to have sent letters to Coca Cola, Kraft and Disney encouraging them to boycott twitter if it is sold to Musk. These big businesses have executives sympathetic to Marxist Ideology. The groups sending the letters are said to be Black Lives Matter, Network Foundation, NARAL, Pro Choice America, Women’s March, Mothers for America and GLAAD which are said to be either communist front organizations or have similar goals. They are trying to destroy families, overthrow the government of the U.S. and take away free speech and replace it with Marxist Ideology. Good luck to Elon in getting an investigation. The Democrat Party is in control of this country right now and Marxists are a big part of their “Big Tent”. Corrupt people protect other corrupt people. The Democrats consider these groups allies in their quest to force a Marxist Government on the citizens of the U.S. What about the Republicans? Many of them are too timid to get involved. The Chinese Communists are all in on helping the U.S. become subservient to the Chinese. Tariffs on   U.S. goods we export to China are higher than tariffs on Chinese exports to the U.S. The Chinese have almost unrestricted access to US investing while the US companies have many restrictions in China. How did China get such unfair advantages? Joe Biden has said the world needs a rising China. What he means is giving China unfair advantages will increase the favorable treatment and income for his crime family’s business interests in China.

The latest Marxist program started by the Biden Regime is the Disinformation Board to fight “disinformation”. This in a government agency set up by the Biden Regime to spread Anti-American, Anti-Christian and Anti-Conservative propaganda. Nina Jankowicz has been chosen as executive director. She has been described as a radical leftist which makes her a good fit for the Biden Regime. She has been accused of disseminating misinformation to protect Hunter Biden and his famous laptop. She apparently accepted the lies told by the Marxist Press, often referred to as the mainstream news media, that the lost laptop was a Russian Hoax. The mainstream media has now admitted the laptop was not a hoax. Recently she said she was deeply troubled by a “free speech abolitionist’ buying twitter. This gives some insight into what we can expect from her. We can plan on anything critical of Marxist Ideology to be labeled as mis-information. Many have noted how this mis-information board appears to be inspired by the Ministry of Truth described in George Orwell’s classic 1984. Biden’s communist advisors had to act fast on this. It is surprising the Biden Regime did not name the mis-information Board the Ministry of truth and make it a full cabinet agency. If twitter is stopped from censuring non Marxist ideas the government will take up the slack. If Musk succeeds in getting rid of censors those people will easily find employment in the Biden Regime to continue their evil


What is next for Satan and his Angels? Will the Bible and religious worship be labeled mis-information? That does not seem to be a stretch since research has indicated nearly half of all Democrats, the group in power currently, do not believe in God. The only way for Marxism to survive is to have total control of everyone. Gaining control would mean keeping truth from the people, hence the Biden Regime’s need for a Ministry of Truth. The Marxists are fearful that if Elon Musk can purchase their propaganda ally it can happen to their other allies. So the Biden Regime is setting up a department to control “disinformation” which in Marxist terminology is truth.

Some people have been looking forward to the November election thinking they can vote Biden and his Regime supporters out of office. Don’t count the victory before it happens. In the last election there were millions of mail in votes that could not be verified. The Democrats also had enough political power in swing states to prevent any audits. Their propaganda wing, the mainstream media ,started a campaign labeling anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the election extremist and conspiracy theorists. Even one corrupt federal agency head claimed people wanting an audit were trying to intimidate voters even though the voting was over. When some voting districts had more votes than registered voters the Democrats and their partners in crime said it is not unusual due to errors in counting eligible voters.

I cannot wait to see what the Democrats have planned for November. We could have more votes than registered voters in many voting jurisdictions. After all they got away with it last time. The votes were not de-certified and no one was held accountable. Based on Biden’s unpopularity the key to the Democrats winning in November is votes that cannot be verified or preventing audits like they were able to do last election.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.