The first 100 days of Joe Biden has been a total disaster for the citizens of the United States. We can condemn Joe for this but given his cognizant issues he might not even know what is happening. It was evident he was having issues when the campaigning for president was occurring as he was struggling to express himself in public. What happened after that was conspiracy of evil Democrats and the Marxist News Media , often referred to as the main stream news media. The Democrats kept him off the campaign trail hoping the citizens would not recognize Joe’s senility. The Marxist News media knew about the senility but did not report on his issues. How evil can some people be when they hid this important issue from the American people?
The Democrats viewed Joe as the only candidate who might have a chance to unseat Donald Trump. They were willing to deceive the people if there was a chance they would get power. So who is running the country? Based on what the Democrats are doing with executive orders it appears his advisors are dedicated Marxists trying to turn the United States to Communism. It might seem unfair to paint all Democrats in the house and Senate and House as evil but they have been unanimous in backing Joe Biden along with the bills in both houses, with no Republican support, that will bankrupt the country. In our last blog we talked about the blue print of eight things that are needed to turn the country into a Marxist Society and Democrats seem to be actively working on all eight.
One of the biggest crimes ever perpetuated against the people in the United States and a crime against humanity was when Joe Biden invited anyone who wanted to come to the United States illegally to come. This was an illegal act, treason and encouragement for the evil cartels of Mexico to intensify their illegal activities and crimes against humanity. All of these things should be impeachable offences. Joe will not be impeached because the Democrats who hold the majority in the house and in the senate because of Kamala Harris’s tie breaking vote are just as evil as Joe or those who pull his strings are.
Joe’s actions have brought millions of dollars to the evil cartels of Mexico as they have brought people and drugs to the U.S. One would wonder if Joe or his Marxists handlers are on the cartel payroll. Cartels have a history of buying politicians in Mexico. Why not in the U.S.? The Democrats are bringing illegals into the US.A. against the will of the majority of the citizens. Why should not Joe Biden or if he is incompetent, his advisors, be charged with a crime. The Democrats are transporting illegals carrying Covid 19 and criminals or cartel operatives into the cities of our country and dumping them there to become our problems. These people will cost billions of dollars paid for by us taxpayers to support. Some citizens will be victims of violence from the hands of the criminals Biden is forcing on us. The Democrats plan to quickly make them citizens hoping they will vote for them thereby perpetuating their corruption.
The people of the U.S.A. are clearly under assault by a coalition of Marxist and Democrats. The founding fathers recognized that there would be evil people who needed to be removed from office and provided for an impeachment process. What the founding fathers envisioned was office holders who served the people and would do that which was right. They did not anticipate people serving to get power and enrich themselves which seems to be what we have now. The president needs be impeached but when those who could do the impeachment are as evil as the president that will not happen. And if it did what would be the gain if the Vice President is also corrupt?

Do we need a constitutional amendment to provide the people with an alternative method of removing a corrupt office holder? We seem to be in a constitutional crises with people in government trying to take away our constitutional rights and those who can take action to remove them are their partners in crime. Please send us your ideas on how the citizens can remove corrupt people from office when those who have the power to remove them are also their corrupt partners.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.