Biden’s Balloon

It has been revealed that the Chinese have a Spy Balloon Navigating over the United States. If you are incredibly stupid you might believe our military did not know the balloon was over the U.S. until citizens noticed the balloon and began asking what it was. If you are smart you will realize Biden knew about the balloon but chose to ignore it. What would have happened if a U.S. had a balloon drifting toward China? Since they do not have stupid people leading them they would have immediately shoot it down. Then the Chinese would have threatened us with a nuclear attack.

The Communists will even shoot down airliners murdering everyone on board it a plane accidently comes in their air space. What is Biden’s response through his Communist Advisors in our government? No problem here. The balloon will be gone in a few days. The Chinese claim it drifted off course in spite of it having navigation controls. Even a mental impaired Joe Biden would know that is not the truth. Communist are all about lying. The best bet is not to believe anything the Communists say. Then you will be right most of the time.

Is this a Chinese Trial Balloon? If so it is working perfectly. Our incompetent Biden Regime is trying to convince the American People there is nothing to see here. It is just a weather balloon that blew off course and will be gone in a few days. Dare we suspect some money came secretly from China to Joe to do nothing? There is a lot of money flowing to the Biden’s from son Hunter’s business dealings in China to Joe’s library at the University of Pennsylvania. The Chinese do not invest a lot of money in something unless they expect a payback. Do the Chinese feel emboldened by Joe’s response? Will we see more Chinese balloons blown “off course” over the U.S.? Will they be testing missiles for accuracy by firing them over our air space? Will we hear the Chinese say the missiles got off course? Would Biden tell us the missiles would only be over our air space a few minutes?

Having Biden as Commander in Chief is frightening. With so many Chinese allies in our government will they decide this is a great time to attack the United States? Will they be able to completely destroy us while Biden seeks to negotiate? It has been said that evil leaders can lead entire nations to destruction. Is that what is happening in the U.S. today? Germany had it’s Hitler and the United States has it’s Biden.

We have a serious problem in the United States today and that is corruption of political leaders. Our Founding Fathers set up a system for removing corrupt people from political office. That system made an assumption that the people doing the removing would not be corrupt. The Founding Fathers would be shocked at how corrupt politicians are in our modern society. When Biden’s incompetence and criminal activities and attempts to take away our freedoms and destroy the United States happens with no dissent from fellow Democrats, we have a serious problem. I would hope that the states could have a Constitutional Convention to allow the Citizens to petition to have someone removed from office and bypass corrupt politicians. But then corrupt Democrats could prevent that from happening in state legislatures as well. I pray that our only choice would not be an uprising of the citizens to destroy the corrupt people holding public office.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.