Biden’s 50% Approval Rating. Are half the people mad?

We were shocked to hear a poll was conducted that indicated Joe Biden has a 50% approval rating in the United States. He probably has a 100% rating in China but that is another story. Are the same people doing the polls who predicted that Hillary Clinton was going to win by a landslide against Trump? You know how that turned out. Or what about the polls that indicated Biden would will by a landslide? Now with audits and investigations in progress there is evidence of missing ballots. law breaking and fraud. It brings a lot of doubt about who actually the election.

Let’s review some of the things Biden has done so far. One of the first things Joe did was to cancel the pipeline bringing oil to the refineries to help the United States stay energy independent. Now we understand we are importing oil again after becoming a major oil exporter. Under Biden gas prices have skyrocketed. How could any sane American favor actions that raise gas prices? Much of our goods are moved by truck which will cause a raise in prices to cover additional fuel costs. Is that a great idea?

The Federal Reserve under Biden is printing more money. The more money that is printed , with more money pursing the same amount of goods, prices will rise which is known as inflation. Is 50% of the population too dumb to understand this? Why would people want destabilization of our economy?

Biden is pushing Critical Race Theory on the military. This racist agenda claims white people are born racist. Any one who believes this or teaches this should be removed from society to prevent them from being a danger to others. We cannot believe any decent person of any race could believe this falsity. The Democrats, who claim to follow science, are embracing this lie. How could 50% of the population embrace evil.

Biden even invited the United Nations to investigate racism in the United States. We suggest they start by investigating Biden. What kind of leader
would suggest his own people are racist? What kind of lunatic would approve of this? Obama referred to white people as those who cling to God and guns. Another prominent Democrat, Hillary Clinton, referred to white conservatives as irredeemable and deplorables. Biden refers to white people as white supremacists and racists. With standards so low for their leaders yo might understand how Biden got his approval ratings.

Biden has been suspected of enriching his crime family through his government connections. Exhibit A an B are son Hunter’s lucrative business deals in China and Ukraine. And was there an E-mail on Hunter’s abandoned lap top to his family that he had to give the big guy half of his earnings? Big guy, Big Daddy? And now the White House wants us to believe Hunter has been discovered to be one of the masters and his art is up for auction. But wait. No one will know who bought the art work so there is no chance they will be rewarded politically by the big guy. What is this Comedy Central? Is half of Americans brain dead and do not know about these things?

And the biggest blunder if not out right treason is Biden’s handling of the border. He willfully is breaking the law by bringing in thousands of illegal aliens. His partners in corruption control the House and Senate federal law enforcement so no action will be taken against him. People are coming across the border with covid infections while Democrats are insisting citizens wear masks. Two terrorists’ were caught trying to sneak across the border so you know others have made it in. Criminals are coming across the border to prey on Americans. Cartel operatives are able to freely come in. All these people will have their hand s out for government support and Biden is costing people who pay taxes billions of dollars. Drugs are pouring in which will kill thousands of Americans .Anyone who approves of this should be charged as co-conspirators and sentenced to prison.

Now after all these indictments against Joe Biden we confess it is likely Joe does not have the mental capacity to know what is going on. An interview last week with CNN was very disquieting. Joe could not even carry on a coherent conversation. The Democrat Party is hiding Joe’s mental deficiencies from the public, probably to push a communist agenda through a man who does not understand what is happening. And 50% of Americans approve of this?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith. Rise up and conquer evil.