Biden Impeachment. The Overdue Justice.

Joe Biden is a career politician. He recognized political office was one of the surest ways to riches many years ago. No one asked how he became rich in government service. The Founding Fathers were honorable men who did not visualize most politicians in latter days would be selling their soul for money from people wanting favors. Joe was a master at this game.

Joe appeared to be using his son Hunter as a front man as Joe took him to lots of countries on the taxpayer supported Air Force 1. Hunter did not look like a tourist so a lot of people began to ask questions about why Hunter was jet setting around the world on Air Force 1. As reporters began investigating they found a lot of strange things happening. Hunter was starting “businesses” in the countries he visited with daddy Joe. Then he was paid a lot of money to be on the board of directors of a company in a foreign nation in an industry he had no experience in. That company was being investigated for fraud. Joe informed the politicians in this country that if they did not fire the prosecutor that they would not get expected aid from the United States. Then Ole Joe bragged about the prosecutor being fired.

One big event in the Biden saga was Hunter left his computer at a repair shop and forgot it was there, and never went back to pick it up, which made it the property of the shop. Was Hunter so spaced out on drugs that he could not remember where his computer was? A big revelation was found where Hunter told his family members he had to give 10 per cent of his take to the Big Guy. Of the Democrats it is said, only 40 per cent believe in God. I suspect most of the Democrat Office Holders are in the 40 per cent. Otherwise they would have claimed that The Lord was the Big Guy and Hunter was giving tithes to Him.

Now an impeachment inquiry is being made in the house. Damning information is beginning to come in on Joe Biden’s illegal conduct. Joe claimed he had no knowledge or involvement in Hunter’s Business Dealings. The House Committee think they have evidence of over 20 million in payments from a variety of foreign entities. They also claim to have information that Hunter put Joe on the phone 20 times when he was conversing with foreign entities. The Democrats claim Joe was talking to people he did not know about weather, family and other things not pertaining to Hunters “Business Dealings”. If you believe that story you are a certified fool.

.Now the House Committee has found direct payments from family members involved in Biden Family Businesses for alleged loan repayments to Joe. The committee claims the Biden Family Businesses did a complex chain of transactions that made it difficult to track the flow of funds.

What will be the results of the House Impeachment Inquiry? The committee will find enough evidence to have an impeachment trial for Joe. The Democrats in the House and Senate are so corrupt they will vote against finding Joe guilty of any crime. Due to the makeup of the house and Senate the Democrats will have the power to protect Joe Biden for being convicted of his crimes. The Democrats like any crime organization will look out for their own kind. With the numbers the Democrats have in the Senate and House Joe will be unimpeachable.

The Democratic Brand will be severely tarnished. however. The Democrats have been so confident they can come up with millions of votes from unverifiable mail in ballots, and harvested ballots that cannot be verified and being able to prevent any audits, they have been backing a very unpopular President for re-election.

The Democrat’s confidence has been shaken. Now they are apparently worrying they cannot come up with enough unverifiable votes to put Biden over the top. Calls are being heard from Democratic insiders to choose another candidate. The one thing you can be assured of they will find a candidate just as corrupt as Joe Biden and whose corruption has been hidden from public view. Expect an announcement soon from Joe that he will not seek re-election in order to spend more time with his family. I cannot wait to see which corrupt individual the Democrats will pick this time.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.