A Holiday Called Christmas

I suspect for most people Christmas is a celebration of material things but it was originally supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know when Jesus was born. Some have suggested that since the Shepherds were in the fields, according to the Bible, it would not have been in […]

Biden Impeachment. The Overdue Justice.

Joe Biden is a career politician. He recognized political office was one of the surest ways to riches many years ago. No one asked how he became rich in government service. The Founding Fathers were honorable men who did not visualize most politicians in latter days would be selling their soul for money from people […]

A Plea For the Republicans to Put Biden in Jail

One thing positive you can say about the Democrat Party is they are united in their support of actions taken by the Biden Regime. Unfortunately Biden’s every move is apparently designed to destroy the United States. I do not believe Biden is merely incompetent. I believe he is a puppet of his Communist Advisors. His […]

U.S. Election 2024

In the last National Election in 2000 in the United States the Democrats made the Republicans look like a bunch of fools. They came up with some brilliant new voter strategies never before tried, even by the Communist Chinese. While the Republicans were asleep at the switch they were planning how to operate a voting […]