The Attacks on Israel

Israel is under attack militarily by its neighbors and politically by non- neighbors. This was prophesied in the Bible anciently. Christians are fortunate because they know how the attacks against Israel will end. In the Old Testament we are told of a Prophet of God named Abraham who was a righteous man. God promised him […]

The Curse of the Biden Regime

Joe Biden is truly a curse upon the People the United States. Senate hearings revealed that millions of dollars were funneled to companies controlled by the “Biden Crime Family” from foreign entities while he was in office. Were the Biden businesses charities and foreigners were making contributions because they were so kind and charitable? If […]

A Planet Like Earth

Many years ago the supreme God created a new planet from matter in space. He called the new planet Zeb. After putting vegetation on it and adequate water to sustain life he put humans on it. He realized in order for Humans to be safe and Happy they needed rules to live by. He called […]

The Democrat Party’s Kamala Problem

The Democrat Party’s runaway train is interesting to watch. After lying to the Citizens for months about Biden’s cognitive condition and championing him for re-election, they pressured him not run for re-election. They finally discovered Biden was doing badly in the polls. It is quite late in the game, but Democrats have always had trouble […]