Governor Northam has a history of doing stupid things and is still able to stay in public office. First stupid was the blackface picture in his personal space in his college yearbook mocking Black People. He claimed the picture was not him and he knew nothing about it. Now everyone who believes that story raise […]
Author Archives: Sam Miller
Richmond Bureaucrats and the Confederate Statues
Richmond, Virginia City Officials bowed to the demands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa like puppets and removed all the Confederate Monuments in Richmond. Now they cannot decide what to do with them. Some even have the audacity to want to sell the monuments after tearing down the momuments of those Hated White Men. Can […]
Is VCU Becomming a Radical Training Center?
Some institutions of higher learning in the United States have become radical training centers. Whether you call a lot of people in education Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Socialists or Progressives their goals are the same. They want power over other people’s lives Lust for power drives them toward their objectives. In a Marxist Society the few […]
Does VCU Have the Wrong People on its Board of Visitors>
In this world of political correctness the actions of fools has become almost mainstream. A good example is the VCU Boad of Visitors recent action concerning the removal of the names on VCU Buildings of anyone who served in any capacity in the Confederate States of America. According to reports from the Richmond Times Dispatch […]
Can Black Lives Matter and Antifa overthrow the Government of the United States?
Black lives matter and Antifa are Marxist organizations which have the same goals. They want to overthrow the government and replace it with a Marxist Dictatorship that controls every aspect of our lives. These evil people see themselves as the ones who would be in positions of power to control other people’s lives and of […]
Adultery-The Ultimate Betrayal
Adultery- The Ultimate Betrayal The Scriptures tell us God created earth and provided vegetation and animal life. After that he created Adam and said it was not good for man to be alone. He then created the most beautiful of his creations, woman. He then gave Eve to Adam as a wife and told him […]
Trumpphobia America’s Most Prevelant Mental Illness
Trump phobia. America’s Most Prevalent Mental Illness There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness according to information we gleaned from the internet. There are hundreds of physical diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Covid 19 to name a few. The powers that be in the Psychiatric World even have an […]
Corruption in Virginia Politics
Corruption in Virginia Politics This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith in the Richmond, Virginia area. We welcome your opinions in support of conservatives and people of faith. It has been said that as soon as some people gain power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. The colonial term was tyranny […]
How radicals operate
The internet claims Black Lives Matter was organized by two Marxist women in one article and by three in another. It does not matter how many women founded it ,we just need to understand their goals. The goal of Marxists is to take away our freedoms as agreed to by the Continental Congress and make […]
Radicals Pocket Dictionary
Here is a Pocket Dictionary used by Radicals as a guide in overthrowing our Democracy and installing a Socialist Government. Capitalist- a person who has accumulated wealth by exploiting others. a person who does not accept the theories of Karl Marx. Christians- facists, ridicule them, burn their churches Conservatives- facists, deplorables Bernie Saunders- our inspiration. […]