President Biden seems to be trying to destroy The United States with his pen. One of his first executive orders or executive executions was the killing of thousands of jobs of people working on a pipeline that would help insure energy independence for the United States. This indicates his subservience to leftists who want to […]
Author Archives: Sam Miller
American Oil Independence-And Then Joe Biden Happened
For years the United States was dependent on other nations for oil and gas. Most of these nations manipulated production to keep oil prices artificially high, affecting higher prices for nearly everything in our country. We might add most of those countries had contempt for the people of the United States. The high oil prices […]
Amtrak, Governor Northam’s Money Pit
Governor Northam of Virginia who has a history of doing stupid things without thinking them through, and costing taxpayers a lot of money is at it again. One previous misstep was his decision to remove a priceless piece of art, Robert E. Lee mounted on horseback in Richmond, Virginia which the Radical Marxist who are […]
Why Democrats hate Trump
Democrats realize this country will not accept a quick change to Socialism/Marxism so their plan is to bring it about slowly. When Donald Trump, the hated Capalist, announced his plans to run for president the Democrats did not take him seriously and were amused. As he began winning primaries they became alarmed and began unrelenting […]
Was there Election Fraud in the U.S. Presidential Election?
Was there fraud in the recent Presidential Election? Most Journalists either claim that there was non or too little to change the outcome. Surveys have shown that most Journalists at the most influential news organizations are Democrats so we would not expect to get an unbiased opinion. When the Journalists say there is no proof […]
Rumors of War-A Racist Symbol?
The Management of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and their donors paid a lot of money for a statue entitled Rumors of War. To what end? There was once a Statue of Confederate Military Leader Jeb Stuart in Richmond, Virginia. Mayor Stoney and his Radical Friends removed all the statues of white people, except […]
Is Christmas a Celebration of Materialism?
On December 25th each year we, as a predominent Christian Nation celebrate Christmas. Although December 25 is the date we celebrate the birth of Juesu Christ Historians do not know the actual date he was born. According to information gleaned from the internet is is estimatd that 31 per cent of the world’s population is […]
Jesus is being removed from Christmas
December is the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know the date of Jesus’s birth but according to the Bible shepherds were with their flocks when he was born, December is in the middle of winter in the Holy Land and there would have been no forage for the sheep to […]
Gratitude Primer
Having a National Holiday of thanksgiving this past week was a time to give thanks to God for all our blessings. Both the Early Colonists in Massachusetts and Virginia had a feast to celebrate the blessings God had given them in a new land and this is the inspiration for our National Holiday. With more […]
Is Serving our Fellow Man a Basic Need?
Many years ago as a college student one of the core classes we were required to take was sociology. That was when we learned about Man’s Hierachy of Needs. Abraman Maslow was an American Psychologist who lived from 1908 to 1970. His Hierachy of Needs was a theory of psychological health that he considered necessary […]