Senator Kaine a Liability to Virginia

This blog dissects a form letter that Senator Kaine of Virginia sends to everyone who complains about the chaos on our Southern Border caused by the incompetence of Joe Biden. Kaine’s reply will be in quotation marks while our response will not be.“Thank you for contacting us about our nation’s immigration system. The United States […]

The Marxist/Democrat Plan for America

Marxists have always hoped to take over the United States and control other’s lives for their own gain. One of the greatest desires for many people including Marxists is power over others. Christains will immediately recognize power over people as one of the three temptations of Jesus. After Jesus had a prolonged fast Satan appeared […]

Virginia Discriminates Against White People

A recent report in the Richmond Times Dispatch indicated that Black people are under represented in supervisory roles in the State of Virginia employment based on their percentage of the population. Radical Democratic have sprung into action. Governor Northtan, according to the article, is trying to codify equal representation in supervisory positions. In layman terms […]

Beauty Injustice Discrimination

One of the most blatant forms of discrimination in the U.S. is whether or not others consider us beautiful. This is a serious form of dicrimination affecting equal opportunity for many. It starts in elemantary school. Popularity does not depend on accomplishment but on what is set as a standard in our society of beauty. […]

Democratic Party. Glue for Marxism?

There are a number of organizations in the United States that are working to destoy our freedoms and trying to control our lives. Their guise is racial justice or equality while their real purpose is to gain power over every one else. They promote the idea that Capitalism has failed to bring us equality and […]