Is Joe Biden a Modern Karl Marx?

We are indebted to David Limbaugh for a quote from an article he wrote in a view point about the Biden Regime entitled “On a Collision Course With National Disaster”. The quote is as follows: The Administration is creating total societal chaos, and undermining the rule of law at every turn. As the first duty […]

Every Student Should be Classified as Gifted

Those of us who remember Garrison Keeler’s Prairie Home Companion used to chuckle when he talked about the mythical community of Lake Woebegone where all the students were above average in intelligence. Recently we discovered a Lake Woebegone Community actually exists. It is called Loudon County, Virginia which is a suburb of Washington, D.C. At […]

The Biden-Harris Train to No where

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make a President and Vice President Team that may be the worst in United States History. The Democratic National Committee picked Joe to run because he was alleged to be a moderate and might have a chance to upset someone that they in collaboration withcorrupt organizations, often referred to the […]

Asian Privilege in Virginia

For years Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Liberals, Progressives or whatever People of Evil prefer to be called have been pushing the false narrative of white privilege. We White People who grew up in poor families wish we had known about our white privilege when we were young. We might have enjoyed our poverty more. Now for […]

Richmond, Virginia. A City in Decline

Richmond, Virginia had a lot of things going for it in the past. Home to Maymont Park on the James River a favorite visiting place for many in the Metropolitan area. Home to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens another favorite place for visitors. The Virginia Museum of fine Arts and the Virginia Museum of History and […]

Chinese Influence in the United States

When communism was in full swing in Russia they controlled the Communist Party in the United States which relied on our free speech guarantees for them to exist and support the overthrow of our freedoms. Communism collapsed from its own corruption in Russia and was replace by another evil, a dictatorship without communism. That left […]

A Look At the Maricopa County Audits

After the recent presidential election there were many accusations of fraud and affidavits signed by people in the electoral process who witnessed law breaking. This alarmed the Marxist/Democrat Party and the Marxist news Media, the Democrats propaganda arm often referred to as the mainstream news media. They leaped into action claiming the “corrupt Donald Trump” […]

Impeach Biden Now

Joe Biden has been in office just over 100 days. So why should he be impeached when he has been in office only a short time? There are four glaring reasons why he should be impeached. First is when he used his political power to enrich his crime family in China and Ukraine. Hunter Biden […]

Biden’s First 100 Days

The first 100 days of Joe Biden has been a total disaster for the citizens of the United States. We can condemn Joe for this but given his cognizant issues he might not even know what is happening. It was evident he was having issues when the campaigning for president was occurring as he was […]