China-the Bully from Asia

Two of the things that cause so much abuse and evil in the world is lust for power and lust for wealth. Adolf Hitler wanted to be Furrier of the world and caused massive suffering on millions pursuing his evil designs. That explains communism. A small group of people control every aspect of the lives […]

Marxist Success in the United States

The Derail Socialism Society of the United States, whose mission statement is upholding the Constitution and exposing the evil designs of communists in our country, has an undercover agent posing as a member of the Patriotic Young Socialists of American which we hereafter refer to as the PYSOA. The PHSOA recently held a training meeting […]

The Ugly Sin of Abortion

God gave mankind ten commandments many years ago to bring us happiness and as a roadmap to make us worthy to enter his presence. One of the commandments is “thou shalt not kill”. Some people like to claim a fetus is not a living soul because it totally depends on an umbilical cord for nourishment, […]

United States Drift Toward Socialism

The Pew Research Center reports that among Republican leaning voters 73 percent believe in God. Among Independents- what Pew calls no leaners- 62 percent are believers. Among Democrat leaning voters only 55 percent believe in God. With Independent Voters growing rapidly it would appear when combined with Republican voters who believe in God are in […]

Our War With the Radical Left

We need to understand the tactics of communists and their allies in the Democratic Party before they completely enslave us. We are indebted to Michele R. Westlander Quaid for listing communist and fascist tactics for controlling people in an article she wrote entitled We Are in a War for America’s Soul. She listed four stages […]