A two-party system has served the United States well for a long time but it is now time to dispatch the Democratic Party to the dumpster. In countries that have many political parties vying for power it is chaotic to reach a consensus with so many factions fighting for control. However, with two parties, in […]
Author Archives: Sam Miller
Biden’s new Misinformation Board
Elon Musk has called for an investigation of left wing groups that are calling for large companies in the U.S. to boycott twitter if they sell to him. In plain English these groups are concerned that free speech will expose their communist conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Some left wing groups are said to have […]
Boycott China!!!
Boycott China!!! Vladimir Lenin, one of the world’s most evil men, and early organizer of Marxism is often said to have coined the words “useful idiots”. From what I have read it is questionable who actually coined the words “useful idiot”. Marxists have perfected using useful idiots to accomplish their goals so it is not […]
The Miserable Failures of Joe Biden
In Comrade Biden’s first year in office 2.000.000 people illegally entered the United States with encouragement from an incompetent and corrupt president. And these are just the people who turned themselves in and not the thousands who slipped across the border, likely because they had criminal records. Joe is breaking the law and is committing […]
Service to Our Fellow Man
This being Easter Week it seems like a good time to talk about the teachings of Jesus. When Jesus walked upon earth he taught us to serve one another. Indeed, he spent his life serving others without any financial reward. He taught us to do as he did, which means we are expected to spend […]
A Comparison of Two Large Religions – Christianity and Communism
Comparison of Two Large World Religions-Christianity and Communism This blog will contrast and compare two of the world’s largest religious movements Christianity and Communism. You might protest that any movement such as Communism that is Atheist cannot be a religion since the usual definition of religion includes worship of a personal God or Gods. Another […]
An Interview with the People to Re-elect Joe Biden Committee
This week the Forum interviewed John A. Dunce, who is the National Director of the People to Re-elect Joe Biden Committee. The Forum takes no stand on the positions of Mr. Dunce or the committee. Forum: Thank you for being willing to be interviewed by the Forum Mr. Dunce. Our first question for you. Is […]
An Interview with the Director of the LGBTQCLP+Society
i An Interview with the LGBTQCLP+ Community National Director This week the Opinion Forum had an exclusive interview with Frank B. Gay the national director of the LGBTQCLP+ Society of America which we print for the enlightenment of the public. The forum takes no position on the views of My Gay or the Society. Forum: […]
Karl Marx Returns from the Dead
My name is Frank Reporter. I am very frank. That being said you know you can trust what I tell you because I have always been very Frank. Five years ago I was elected President of the Main Stream Journalists Association. The term in office is four years and last year I was thrilled to […]
President Biden, the Pleaser
President, the Pleaser. Should not that make the citizens of the U.S. get excited. Well we would be if Biden wanted to please the citizens of the united States, but he wants to please people from other nations. What has Blundering Joe done lately to please our enemies? Well, the Russians are making war against […]